Opera 116.0.5366.71 Stable update
chawoobie last edited by
As sad as it is for me to say, I'm about to switch browsers after using Opera since build 1! For the past 4 - 5 months, I have been finding increased incompatibilities with sites (mainly financial) that I use regularly. My bank, PNC, does not seem to like Opera, and I have had to etiher use a user-agent switcher (doen's always work) or another browser to access the site. Also, on Charles Schwas and Wells Fargo, when I log in it suggests that I use an up to date browser like Chrome, Edge, Firefox even though I am using the latest version of Opera. I can still log in with Opera after ignoring the prompt.
What is puzzling, is that I have tried DuckDuckGo, Vivaldi, and Brave, as well as more mainstream browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Firefox with no problem. It seems to me there is some sort of user-agent issue with Opera (?) that is causing these problems, since DDG, Vivaldi, and Brave are recognized and accepted.
I've been patiently waiting for a fix, but it is getting more frustrating by the day. I will keep Opera on my computers and check back periodically, but I need a browser I can ely on. Right now, it looks like it will be Brave.
korol78 last edited by korol78
There is no Opera translator function in the settings, on another laptop this function is available.
116.0.5366.71 Stable! -
korol78 last edited by
@leocg said:
@korol78 You download and install it. Or you wait the feature to be released on the stable channel.
I have two laptops, on two laptops there is version 116.0.5366.71, on one there is a translator, on the other there is not, the version of Opera 116.0.5366.71 is stable
daria19 Opera last edited by
@korol78: @leocg: We are in the process of gradually releasing this feature on the stable version. Once it's fully enabled, we’ll share an update on our blog. In the meantime, if you’d like to try it out on the other computer, you can download Opera Developer (version 118) and see how you like it. Thanks for your patience!
daria19 Opera last edited by
@chawoobie: We're really sorry to hear this, especially after your long history with Opera. We understand how frustrating site compatibility issues can be, and we truly appreciate your patience. We hope to resolve these issues soon and we’d love to have you back in the future, and we sincerely appreciate your support over the years!
daria19 Opera last edited by
@mixchild: We appreciate your feedback, and everything shared in the comments is important to us. That said, we have certain priorities to follow and some limitations to consider. However, please know that every comment is read, and user input plays a key role in shaping future updates. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
korol78 last edited by korol78
@daria19 said:
@korol78: @leocg: We are in the process of gradually releasing this feature on the stable version. Once it's fully enabled, we’ll share an update on our blog. In the meantime, if you’d like to try it out on the other computer, you can download Opera Developer (version 118) and see how you like it. Thanks for your patience!
I'll explain to you--- this function (translator) installed itself on version 116.0.5366.71, I'm surprised myself!! ))
thelittlebrowserthatcould last edited by
When a page search has been completed and the search term deleted, its first letter is retained when commencing a subsequent search.
Keyword searching through Aria's response history would be very welcome.
I would prefer greater contrast for the scrollbar "thumb" with the dark theme.