Opera 102.0.4879.0 developer update
rick2 last edited by
‘Enable tab scrolling when many tabs are open’ is back. If you missed that feature, go to Settings to enable it.
Thank you so much!!
I'll be testing t later, I'll probably have to copy my Beta profile to make sure I have a lot of open tabs.
firuz-u7 last edited by
The history is very buggy when synchronization is enabled, I want to delete one history, the whole history freezes, and please improve the history in Opera, Opera has the worst implementation of history at the moment, even Google Chrome has better here you can select several stories and delete the selected history, and Vivaldi history is one of the best realized
A Former User last edited by leocg
@indiqazzz: you overreacting a bit, don't you think? The splash screen only appears Once after each update.
indiqazzz last edited by
@hex1984: no, i'm not. For so for some reason i'm forces to see it each time launching browser. I saw a message that i should to see once after update but in my case - i see it every time - that's why it starts to annoy me.
dazung last edited by
Found out the reason why the Opera splash plays at every startup
for some people and how to disable it.
Opera used to store it's preferences in "[profile_folder]\Preferences" but in a recent update changed the location to "[profile_folder]\Default\Preferences" without removing the old files.
For some reason the existence of "[profile_folder]\Preferences" is still checked and it's absence will cause the splash to be shown at every startup.
Users with newly created profile folders will see the splash every startup and users with "old" profile folders wont.
Just create an empty "Preferences" file in the root of your profile folder and the issue goes away.
tithugues last edited by
"DNA-109700 Environment variable to disable splash screen"
Does it mean what I think it means?
Can we know what variable with which value we must create to disable it please? -
davidgould last edited by
Regression, presumably in Chromium. Opera processes aren't releaseing their memory in low memory situations again.
multiwebinc last edited by
Please bring back being able to scroll with my mouse at the screen edge instead of having to be a sharpshooter every time just to grab the scrollbar.
andrew84 last edited by
@simcard78 he means the multiple complaints regarding the content border. One of the duplicated https://forums.opera.com/post/320322
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Opera Developer 103:
https://forums.opera.com/topic/65094/opera-103-developer/1 -