@leocg I am going to take the initiative to move this thread along. I'm not really sure what @mhekel has been experiencing. However, I have the following symptoms with OperaGX in particular. I do not have these issues with Google's Chrome browser (or any of its off-shoots).
The problem:
Each time that I open the browser, I login to my NordPass with my master password. (I have made sure that NordPass is up to date)
I can go to any website where a login with username/email and password are involved and my icon for NordPass' background is lit up in lime green. I go to the input fields for logging in to look for and press the mountain icon to resolve a set of credentials for the site I am on, just as NordPass is intended to work. However, no icon appears.
I go back to the top of the browser where the extension icon appears with a lime green background and press it, the only option I am afforded is to reload the page.
Once I reload the page, the extension works. But, mind you, this happens to every website inside of every browser session. This would not be a problem, except for there are workflows in web applications which require authentication in a series of steps, and, reloading the page will kill the process the web developer has created to complete the particular process.
Either way, the NordPass extension does not work properly in Opera GX but works just fine in all other browsers. I understand that the Chrome browser is what Opera GX is built off of as a baseline browser and that the extensions used for Opera GX are found through the Chrome Extensions store.
With that in mind, this means that the extension fails to work in Opera. I'm not sure if there is some sort of caching or cache-busting which prevents NordPass from being able to inject it's HTML and JavaScript into the DOM before a forced reload is invoked by the extension itself.
Even when I am logged into a website, the icon highlights bright green as if it is unable to access the DOM somehow. I am logged in here to the forum at present and it still thinks that I need to reload the page so that it can do its thing.
These are the problems I am experiencing with this particular extension and Opera GX.. I may be wrong with the way that Opera GX uses Chrome as a browser to build upon, but I think that I am correct. Please inform me if I am wrong.
A solution to this problem would be appreciated, and if there is not one available. I may need to find an password manager that will work and use it for Opera GX.
It is very frustrating though as NordPass works in all other browsers without a hitch and all of the users of NordPass are generally paying for the pleasure to have the password manager. Any light you can shed on these issues is welcome, TIA!