[Compilation]Discussions on Scrolling doesn't work if the mouse is on the edge of the screen
CTH last edited by
It's infuriating trying to grab the scroll bar but clicking the lateral edge and moving and resizing the window. I'm with the window in FULLSCREEN, let me stay in fullscreen, the scroll bar is on the right edge of the screen, if I click the edge I expect to activate the scroll bar not move the freakin window, why would I want invisible lateral borders to move my window?! It's mind boggingly stupid.
It's unimaginable to me how you can mess this up after so many decades of established UI conventions. Looking this up further I see that other people have the same frustrations and airing them on reddit, it looks the issue appeared in Opera One. I'm currently on Opera One(version: 104.0.4944.33).
Don't really expect for this to be solved soon considering this is a months old issue, just wanted to shout into the void at this insanely frustrating stupid change. -
DarthGTB last edited by DarthGTB
I just would like to mention that Edge also has a very similar border, but it is not an extension of the title bar, which means it doesn't come with the moving around and window restoring issues we have on Opera:
I tested without the sidebar and dragging on the edge of Edge - no pun intended - triggers the scrollbar. This is the behaviour we need.
It can still be annoying though to people who use the Sidebar and still use the mouse to drag or click on scrollbar because the sidebar on Edge is to the right
Off topic: BTW, I've never noticed it's possible to detach the sidebar on Edge. It becomes sort of a Windows feature. It's actually quite clever
Edge is much more polished than Opera since version 100. If Opera continues to ruin Speed Dial, I may go back at using Edge on a daily like I did between versions 101 e 102 and just add a Speed Dial extension.
I've been using Edge for another missing feature in Opera that every other Chromium based browser I tested possess: the ability to open pages like they are native apps. I did that to all the pages on the sidebar there. That's also another thing Opera should take a look at. Currently the feature to add custom pages to the sidebar is hidden under a flag and is limited to 5 pages. I'm fine with having those sponsored pages like WhatsApp Web and such showing up by default, but it would be a lot more useful if we could add any page to it and if sidebar pages could be detached into their own windows like web apps. This feature is what's making me not use only Opera in a daily. Pages like Google Keep, Outlook and GMail I only open on Edge because of this feature (can't use Chrome for that because I need Chrome clean as I use Chrome and Firefox for testing my software)
andrew84 last edited by
@darthgtb said in [Compilation]Discussions on Scrolling doesn't work if the mouse is on the edge of the screen:
Edge also has a very similar border
At least Edge allows to disable the bordered design currently by turning off the 'Try the new look and feel of Microsoft Edge' toggle in Settings.
DarthGTB last edited by
@andrew84 I didn't know that. That wording to me implies that's a temporary setting though. How long it will be a "new" look and feel? Seems to me they will make that permanent in the future (or a design choice feature like "compact" design being without a border).
I honestly don't hate it, although these borders look sort of out of place, like they trying to mimic designs from 2010's in a more modernised, flat way
andrew84 last edited by
@darthgtb said in [Compilation]Discussions on Scrolling doesn't work if the mouse is on the edge of the screen:
I honestly don't hate it
Not so critical when watching light website using browser's light theme or dark website using browser's dark them.
But when watching dark website using browser's light theme I really hate the border. -
turbotom64 last edited by
Yet another upgrade to 104.0.4944.36 and still not fixed. This seems to a major issue to me that needs fixed ASAP. Even knowing about it, I still move the window when trying to scroll most of the time. I guess it's time for a new browser, cause this just sucks.
voodj1n last edited by
Yep new update and this annoying bug is still there.. I mean it just proves these devs aren't reading any feedback (or simply don't give a damn). -.-
krit86 last edited by
Borders of Opera in maximized mode (left, right and down) interferes with site's scroll bar while trying to drag scroll bar down or up.
Compared with other browsers that contain borders similar to Opera, however their borders are not interfere with scroll bar.You should fix border by preventing to drag Opera windows in maximized mode especially sites that contain scroll bar, only top bar allowed as same as other browser UI/UX.
To reproduce
- Open Opera in maximized mode.
- Surf any sites while length of contents long enough until scrolling bar appeared, e.g. Opera Forum, Wikipedia, etc.
- Move your mouse pointer to edge of Opera browser either left or right, as you intend to scroll down or up to read more contents in the site.
- Do step 3. again and again as needed.
- You will find that sometimes you accidentally drag Opera (maximized mode) even though you just want to scroll the site down or up.
Opera One (version: 104.0.4944.36)
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 10 64-bit
Chromium version: 118.0.5993.118 -
Jackers1337 last edited by
104.0.4944.36 still dragging the very right edge drags the whole browser instead of the scrollbar. Why don't they fix this problem?
dawidgodecki last edited by
Puzzling, to say the least. The "side scroll bar shrinking the main browser window if grabbed even slightly wrong" issue persists after the most recent Opera One update. Any thoughts?
sindhuagarwal last edited by
I've encountered a usability problem in the Opera browser for computers. With recent updates, the scroll bar on the right side has become thinner and doesn't extend to the border of the screen. This makes it challenging to click and scroll seamlessly. Previously, I could move the mouse to the right side of the screen to click the scroll bar and move down. I request bringing back the old scroll bar design for improved user-friendliness.
dotneck335 last edited by
When will the scrolling wheel problem be fixed?
How can I roll back to an Opera version where it does work? -
krit86 last edited by
Scroll bar fixed after I updated to 105.0.4970.16.
Thank you! I'm now happy a gain with Opera. -
Gwynedd last edited by
I've been a longtime Opera user and I love the browser.
The scrolling bar costs me time and aggravation now. Constantly having to adjust it because instead of scrolling, it minimizes. I hate it. It's twitchy.Please change that back. It's terrible and I give it a week and then I'm off to Firefox.
HarryRennicks last edited by HarryRennicks
@acts432 Suspect Microsoft?
I use two Browsers, Edge for email and Facebook, Opera for news, video, most everything else.
Suspect Windows 10 now (was once OK a short time before) but not now to get mouse back I have to go back to the other browser, move mouse on it and will for a short while go back to normal, getting pointer/ mouse scrolling back, but very annoying!