Opera 101 Stable
stolis last edited by
@nadie-nada-nunca First of all, no one (including myself) requested to remove islands and since there's an option to disable them, that's ok. Problem is that the hole UI has been changed to something no one likes which had been noted by users since developing.
So what I'm simply saying, is that they had all the time to try something different and pay more attention on users opinion. I don't know about programming but I believe that they should first try to add islands in previous UI to see how people would take it and then try to change it. When your own users tells you that they don't like this new look and you continue developing it... I really can't understand it.
I know what smiley face does and of course I've send feedback. The point is that they've been many a lot of complains about it since it's first appearance and requests to be removed but it's still there, without offering nothing useful.
As for auto updating beside it exists for a long time now and actually is a standard opera's politic, almost everybody has requested through this hole time at least to add an option in settings for disabling it, also didn't do anything. And allow me to say that not everybody does it. -
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@stolis said in Opera 101 Stable:
since there's an option to disable them, that's ok.
Afaik there's no option to disable tab islands completely, there's only option to disable automated islands creation.
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by
@stolis said in Opera 101 Stable:
Problem is that the hole UI has been changed to something no one likes
I do like it, it's my point.
daunlouded last edited by
@nadie-nada-nunca I must hop in here. Because I must ask; do you like it more than previous UI?
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by
@daunlouded In some respects, yes. It's still buggy, give it time to stabilize. I don't like what they did to the Opera button, I don't like that the scrollbar is now not at the edge, and I don't like having all the sidebar buttons at the bottom. But the new interface is clean and pleasant to me.
andrew84 last edited by
@nadie-nada-nunca said in Opera 101 Stable:
But the new interface is clean and pleasant to me.
How it's cleaner comparing to the previous one?
nadie-nada-nunca last edited by
@andrew84 I didn't say it's cleaner than the previous one. I said it's clean, and I said I like it.
I guess you may find one or the other "cleaner" depending on how you use it. I, for example, ditched my previous workspace-based scheme, and replaced it with islands. Now I can see all my tab groups at any time, no need to switch between workspaces. That, in itself, is "cleaner" than what I was previously doing. But that's because of the way I'm using the browser.
andrew84 last edited by
@nadie-nada-nunca I understand.
But the 'islands' refer more to features. To implement the islands there was no need for so radical changes to the rest of the UI with its borders and wasted space everywhere. -
thelittlebrowserthatcould last edited by
@andrew84 I suppose it was thought that the "bling" would attract new users. If the modular design is important, then perhaps one day an option will be provided that doesn't distract from the browser's primary function i.e. a return to the look of 99.
andrew84 last edited by
@thelittlebrowserthatcould Maybe it really will attract some portion of new users (temporarily most probably), but will keep the old users away.
Personally, I'm not going to tolerate the absurd borders everywhere.If they really had to change smth, according to 2023 chrome UI refresh it should be less significant.
For example if there was a wish to make rounded tabs, tabs should look more elegant with tiny top and bottom borders.
Something like this
And I'm sure this wouldn't hurt the tab islands implementation. -
daunlouded last edited by
All right I decided to grab my secondary laptop with smaller screen and take screenshots of both versions to prove that the new version takes up more space and is unpleasant to use. Wall of text at the end of this post.
The new version takes more space and feels "crowded" even when it's a fresh-ish install:
The difference doesn't look that big of a deal when comparing those static screenshots but in actual use it is a real difference. This must change.
I'm currently reverting to old version just so I can browse the internet which is not something a user should have to do to get a good browsing experience. If this doesn't get fixed I must go for another browser even though resaving all my bookmarks, saved passwords and extensions and stuff must be re-entered. It takes time and I would rather use that time to do other stuff.
Also having those sidebar icons in three different places? Fire the guy who thought it would make a good user experience. Seriously.
belthur last edited by
Can we go back to the previous tab (Square ones) ? The new ones are small and the close button is so small, have to get used to target practice to close a tab.