Opera 89.0.4436.0 developer update
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@avl I use older version of Opera currently and mostly I use the search popup feature. So, personally, I didn't face up with the issues yet.
But I noticed the complain that if search phrases contain minus (-) symbol and numbers only (product code for example), then there will calculation performed (coping to clipboard) instead of the search, after pasting and hitting Enter. And in this case is need to select rows below.And the other issue can be if I accidentally hit enter or click on the result, the previously copied data will be replaced with calculation result and it's need to recopy the search phrase again
*for example Stanley tools which have (-) in their product codes (0-90-948 for example)
predrag83yu last edited by predrag83yu
I would like to see these 3 features in some next build:
- option to sync my speed dial with copy from my Sync (I want that Opera ask me if I want to populate speed dial from my account)
- option to Opera install my preferred apps on click from my Sync list
- option to Opera copy my preferred settings from Sync
That would be great if I reinstall OS or I change PC so transition would be painless
Also You need to fix playing videos in Linux because this is nightmare. Please see how Brave browser is fixed this problem with Widevine installation. Browser displays question if I want to install Widevine or something like that so I can watch videos and if I click Yes he is doing the rest. And after that everything is working like a charm.
Because of this problem I cant use Opera as my preferred browser on Elementary OS
solarpower last edited by leocg
New bookmarks are added to the bottom of the list. Makes bookmarks completely unusable
Still nothing to turn address bar's calculator off.
(For the love of God, every time you decide to add another new useless feature that nobody have asked for, first thing you need to do is Make An Option To Turn It Off ! Forever!)Force dark theme on pages is interresting... now, can we get Force light theme on pages too ?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@solarpower said:
now, can we get Force light theme on pages too ?
Doesn't make any sense to have such thing, light mode ia the default mode for sites.
SerjDiff Banned last edited by
@leocg said in Opera 89.0.4436.0 developer update:
Doesn't make any sense to have such thing, light mode ia the default mode for sites.
It makes a lot of sense ! If OS is in Dark mode and Browser is in Dark Mode the web-sites go into dark mode too. But I don't want to see dark web-sites ! I can read nothing on them and have to manually switch them to lite manually every time !
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
What the f**** can I do for this red part of the page staying unfolded on https://www.swr3.de/index.html
Or what can you do, Opera?
Once is was repaired and worked properly. For many versions the function is again destroyed and this part always collapses after manual or automatically refreshing the page. Only in Opera! No other browser. I have already tried to switch off all extensions. No change.
W10x64, Operax64 -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann It works the same for me in Opera Stable, Opera Developer, Chrome Stable, and Firefox stable. When I scroll down the page, it collapses. It also collapses when I click on a link to a subpage. It doesn't automatically collapse when loading the main page are anything like that if that's what you're implying.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@burnout426, when I'm on top of the page, so that I can see this part, and reload the page, it collapses. When I leave the page in the background, go to another page and come back later, the red part also is collapsed, if there was content automatically refreshed. But only in Opera. In all other browsers the red part stays unfolded.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann Hmm, I can't seem to reproduce. I click reload while at the top of the page and the red part still stays unfolded. If I open up a new tab, goto
, do an urgent discard for the tab (to simulate it being in the background for a while and being snoozed), and focus the tab where it reloads, the red part still stays unfolded. -
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @ralf-brinkmann, too bad, that for now not all have a chance to celebrate anything, e.g. in Ukraine (or in every other country in the world where war is still ongoing) , except for small or bigger victories on the battle field. Although, I would not say killing of any people is a reason to celebrate this. However, on the other hand some people say, that those who do such horrifing things there, are not people but animals, sick degenerates or psychopats. I think, that animals would feel offended.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@burnout426, I tried something out:
I installed a fresh, empty version of Opera Stable (the actual Opera_87.0.4390.45_x64) as standalone version in another folder. No extensions, no imports from my existing Developer version, nothing. I just switched on the built-in adblocker. Then I opened the SWR3-page, reloaded it, waited, opened another page, went back, reloaded - everything was fine and I thought I got it.
The next day I started this version again (the two tabs were still there) - and the red part was collapsed. I opened it, reloaded - collapsed. I repeated this several times, also jumped to the other open tab and back, and exactely like in the Developer version (standard browser and also installed as standalone version) the red part always collapsed.
Not in any other browser. Not in Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Brave.
So what is wrong?