Thank you for that. Before opera 30+, I always backed up the password file from the appdata directory. Since then, I have been backing up the same data not knowing that the entire directory scheme had changed. Nothing I read in Opera discussed what to backup.
I did a password import today and the settings/passwords file now shows my 50+ entries, I have no idea from what date as the import function simply went 'zip' and it was done. Not knowing where it found the recovery password file, I can assume it came from the Opera 12 data, which means about 90% passwords must be invalid. Yes-going to be a royal PITA in the future.
I went ahead and changed my W* password to blanks to see if the settings/passwords data is changed. and they are still the same after the import. After Opera restart they are still all the same so it looks like the W8 password field isn't part of the saved Chrome password manager. Or Maybe the change doesn't happen until a system restart is performed.
For the record, I am a former computer systems engineer, now retired. I worked on all these types of problems for 40 years and it seems the job isn't finished yet. So much nonsense to have to deal with.
I tell people that most of the internet was written by children.