Opera 89 Stable
tina Opera last edited by
@hectormaciasa1979 Can't reproduce unfortunatelly. Is it after every restart?
tina Opera last edited by
Hi @prochmi99! Thank you for your question. We are currently working quite a lot on making Opera Account easy to set up and accessible, and this means plenty of changes under the hood. Some of them forced us to disable QR code login. We will work over next weeks to improve user experience during login and onboarding, but cannot confirm right now when QR will apear.
giacomorutili last edited by
Please, please, fix all the menu for Windows 11
There are 2 GUI problems:
- the menu in the tab bar is still white when dark mode is enabled
- the main page menu hasn't rounded corner
SemSemSem last edited by
Hello! Already several versions ago, when starting the browser, this appears - https://www.opera.com/client/upgraded
Already tired to the limit. Contacting the support service and on the forum did not give any results. Maybe help here? Though what am I talking about... -
gmiazga Opera last edited by
@semsemsem this should only appear when update is actually performed. You could try to check opera://update if something wrong happens there. I would also suggest reinstalling browser. Might resolve problem and could be easier then trying to investigate cause.
SemSemSem last edited by
@gmiazga: Hello! Thank you for your advice. Reinstalled several times already. At first on the first start everything is fine. After updating to the latest version, the first launch is normal. But after several launches, the https://www.opera.com/client/upgraded page starts to appear again. Is there really no way to make a script that does not allow this appearance?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@semsemsem Did you delete your data when uninstalling? If not, the issue could be in your profile and uninstalling and reinstalling alone won't help. See https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/new_profile/ for how to start with a new profile (as a test or permanently).
anatolyputov last edited by anatolyputov
Logs out of the account and passwords are reset after each update. Windows 7 х64
SemSemSem last edited by
@burnout426 Well, thank you of course... But I don't use Opera to learn programming or change my computer after every update. By the way, the update occurs without notifying the user about what is being updated and how and what will be saved or deleted (changed) during the update. Is it not about the convenience of users that developers should think about and aggressively remind about the update, although it has already happened?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@semsemsem said in Opera 89 Stable:
y the way, the update occurs without notifying the user about what is being updated
Yes. This is expected. Normal/average users don't care about what's change and don't care to manually update, so things are done automatically by default. See https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/disable_updates_windows/ for how to disable autoupdating and how to see what's changed in the newer version before updating.
If Opera messes up every time you update though, there's something wrong with your Opera profile and you have to start with a fresh one to fix it. It will not be fixed by updating to a new version. If starting with a new profile, doesn't fix issues with Opera breaking after every update, there's something messed-up on your system that's messing with Opera updating properly where it causes Opera to corrupt your profile every time. Long story short, it's not typical for Opera to break things when updating. If it does, except in rare cases when it's a bug in Opera or its updater, there's something wrong elsewhere.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@semsemsem Someone started a thread on this issue at https://forums.opera.com/topic/56915/opera-opens-tab-about-update-every-startup.
SemSemSem last edited by leocg
@burnout426 So what? Well, I did and nothing helped. This page is written somewhere else. But the support service does not want to provide assistance, since this is not a bug, but even a "cute and pleasant" advertisement showing the "amazing" features of Opera. Which is no longer amazing!
Beedjees-2 last edited by
On the left sidebar, the buton that allow to acces at all my device tabs (eg : android) is missing. How to synch tabs between device ?
Beedjees-2 last edited by
@leocg: Thanks. It works now. I observe that I was log off after this last update. After login, the buton is now available in the left sidebar.