Opera browsers in 2020, what’s next?
stanislavstratil last edited by
@olesiak: Thank you. I didnt really expect a positive response like this, so Im kind of pleased by your reply.
paul-durham last edited by
@olesiak Hello.
I have installed Opera Beta but don't find any reference to "workspace" in the tabs interface or in the settings. I the workspaces feature in the Beta?
olesiak Opera last edited by
@paul-durham: if you follow the link https://www.opera.com/computer/beta you will see Beta and Developer version. Please download a Developer browser version.
paul-durham last edited by
@leocg @olesiak As suggested, I installed Opera Developer instead of the Beta and have found the Workspace feature. The current Developer implementation requires the user to move tabs between workspaces by right-clicking on the tab & selecting the required workspace. Although this works it is a little cumbersome (3 mouse clicks). The most intuitive way to move a tab from one workspace to another will be to drag it to the new workspace, but I see this hasn't been implement. Will this gesture be added?
Also, the text label for the workspaces in the tab menu right-click is "Workspace 1" and "Workspace 2" and yet the workspace icons are a "star" and a "house". There should be consistent & intuitive naming & icons for the workspaces, like "1" and "2" icons or "W1" and "W2" icons or something similar. The Workspaces feature is one users will potentially use often and so it should be efficient to use. I am really looking forward to its final implementation.
zalex108 last edited by zalex108
There are options to Rename and change the icon.
Right Click on the WS icon.
3 Dots instead
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olesiak Opera last edited by
@paul-durham: Happy that you found it! Please check the Sidebar in your browser, at the top of it you will see 2 icons Workspaces 1 and Workspaces 2. By click on icons you will be able to move between them. Also, you can change the icon for different one or add more workspaces by click on a three dots in the bottom of side panel. Let me know is it work for you!
paul-durham last edited by
@olesiak @zalex108 Thank you both, I found the "Sidebar options". I feel silly - I checked the "Sidebar Settings" but not the options.
I still think that the user should be able to drag a tab between workspaces.
I notice what appears to be a bug in Developer 67.0.3574.0. With Workspace 1 and 2 enabled, right-click on the sidebar & disable Workspace 1 and the icon disappears. Now right-click the sidebar again and try to re-enable Workspace 1 - it won't re-appear. The only way to get it back is to disable Workspace 2 and then re-enable Workspace-1.
zalex108 last edited by
Sidebar [ººº] + [ººº] At WS Level.
As @olesiak said.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@olesiak: So you changed to a featureless pop-out? Thats a good way to castrate your features and limit them.
It was better before but lacked much needed features, like close captions, speed change etc.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg: "Key brands" meaning either they are a big part of Opera or contribute significantly to Opera in some way. Opera should either discontinue the immoral and predatory CashBean, OKash, OPay and OPesaor denounce it if it's truly not under the Opera name (but it is.). All of these apps are under the Opera brand.
Thus this is tied to Opera as a company and us users have a duty to denounce and criticize any companies who decide to do such despicable and disgusting acts. Opera keeps losing my respect the more I use it and the more it crap like that in public.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@artexjay Engadget - "Hindenburg further suggested that Opera was using the loan apps to artificially prop up financial growth despite lower profit margins than its main browser business, and that the company has poured millions of dollars into apps and entities owned by its CEO despite questionable disclosures and business practices."
And Opera's reply was less than decent.
ds2902 last edited by
you can’t correct the mistakes for a very long time. Because of this, have to use version 65 and not update, because there is this error in subsequent ones that appeared in dev builds 66 and I immediately sent a message about it. But you still haven't fixed it.
A Former User last edited by
@kened: Hi, Opera Neon is a concept browser and we use its features inspire us to innovate our core browsers
A Former User last edited by
@drmaurer: Hi, thanks for your opinion. For now, we take our inspiration to innovate our core browsers from Opera Neon. It is a concept browser.
drmaurer last edited by
@npisarek Yes, but the Opera Neon browsing experience is completely different and very enjoyable. The Opera forum that is different in participation is Opera Neon, I think you could support it because it is a product that has been very new in the media and completely different from other browsers.
Thank you very much for the experience provided through the concept
A Former User last edited by
@leocg: You're sure about that?
https://www.extremetech.com/internet/305149-opera-accused-of-operating-predatory-loan-apps-on-android -
treego last edited by
Keep up the good work with the browsers, Opera!
I use Opera on desktop and Opera Touch on mobile. I have tried Brave (on both desktop and mobile), Vivaldi (on desktop only), Chrome (on both desktop and mobile), Safari (on mobile only), Firefox (on both desktop and mobile) and Palemoon (on desktop only) browsers, and I still find Opera to be my favorite most days on both desktop and mobile!