Opera unveils Opera One R2 in Developer
BestCodes last edited by leocg
I love this update! It is Awesome!
It appears that people love to complain.
I like how Opera does things much more than how Edge does things. Edge has a lot of bugs and mostly steals Opera's ideas.
Can't wait to see what Opera releases next!
Also, @leocg, I don't know what in the world @kened is talking about... I've always found you very helpful and think your behavior is perfectly normal.
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, https://bestcodes.dev. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
andrew84 last edited by
Never thought that someday the Opera's PiP (which was one of the best among other browsers) will look worse than in FireFox..
*Return the habitual controls placements and remove the dimming effect on hover in the 'redesigned' PiP. And return the timing.
nkgrzegorzewicz Opera last edited by
@nashuim hi! could you please provide us more info in bug report? you can report it via Customer Support portal https://opera.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/9
kened Banned last edited by
I don't know how the Opera team keeps this idiot as a moderator. Opera team, you should choose your moderators better. I'm almost giving up on cooperating with browser development, because of this idiot. He looks like a grumpy kid. @kmielczarczyk
davidgould last edited by
I don't know how the Opera team keeps this idiot as a moderator. Opera team, you should choose your moderators better. I'm almost giving up on cooperating with browser development, because of this idiot. He looks like a grumpy kid. @kmielczarczyk
I've always found Leo great.
davidgould last edited by
R2 hangs hard on my current tab set. Will try trimming it and re-upgrading.
kened Banned last edited by
@davidgould: You think this because you're an ass kisser. You will change your mind the day you say anything he doesn't agree with. It will remove your message. This guy is not capable of being a moderator. It's the Latin, third world spirit. Authoritarian. It's in these people's blood.
BestCodes last edited by
You sound like an AI insult generator...
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, https://bestcodes.dev. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
BestCodes last edited by
@ghirahim Enable the sidebar in settings.
Go to the Music player is the sidebar:
(I'm using YouTube music)
Click on it. On the top, click on the select service dropdown, then 'Tidal':
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, https://bestcodes.dev. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
Leuchtfeuer812 last edited by
@leocg said in Opera unveils Opera One R2 in Developer:
@kened Congratulations, you got a permanent ban.
He sounded much more reasonable, almost favorable in earlier posts. Has his account been taken over?
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
On your demo here https://www.opera.com/one/early-access it's possible to attach player onto the toolbar.
Here the miniplayer is not moveable.
Or like the transparent tabstrip it's future releases feature? Will it work also for the video pop-out?*Btw, when I look at you screenshots with the transparent background for modules I remembered that I suggested almost the same design when the One version was introduced.