All I had to do was to restart Opera so a new patch would be applied. But since it has been lasting so long for you I would try reinstall Opera if you haven't before. If not that works it might be related to another program on your computer such as flash player etc. So I would just check what kind of stuff you got on your computer and update everything that is outdated.
I think that my extention isn't compatible. I installed Download Chrome Extension and Dropmark sidebar. When installing Dropmarks I got a yellow bar at the top of the browser, I forgot what it said , and when taken to my extentions page, checking if it's enabled, and clicking Extention keyboard shortcuts I got this.
That's actually not a bad idea. Would be nice, too bad I'm not the one choosing that kind of stuff around here. I would also guess it has been decided whether to be added or not.
Wrong forum for that ... the list above is for Opera 15+. There was a separate list for Presto, there may be a completely different list for S60 versions (for all I know anyway).