Opera 73.0.3856.283 beta update
hectormaciasa1979 last edited by
@leocg: It's not up to date if it's still fixed to a version that was promoted to stable. Stable is 73, beta should be 74 and Dev 75.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@hectormaciasa1979 Wrong, beta channel will have Opera 74 when that version is promoted from Developer channel.
Anyway, it's not difficult to realize that it is most probably a build that contais important security fixes and was released so that those in Beta channel don't lack those fixes.
hectormaciasa1979 last edited by
@leocg: The whole purpose of the chanels is lost then. They don't want those problems they should be using Stable, Beta and Dev aren´t meant for serious purposes, like corporate use or important stuff in general.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
if 74 is not up to those standards then it is still Developer
It can be also rephrased as 'if 73 is not up to those standards, then it still in Beta'.
If Beta continues receiving updates, then maybe it means that Beta wasn't ready to be promoted to Stable or in order to meet project deadline the 'standards' can be sometimes neglected. -
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
It seems that the old bug is again here (all channels). All other browsers are ok.
On some sites select dropdowns have the bolder right border when hardware acceleration is on. For example here https://irata.org/members?title=blackbear&limit=25Acceleration on vs off
*When reporting last time I was said that it happens only on Win 8.1 and on one more OS (I don't remember which). I use Win 8.1x64
Edit: I've found one more example from w3schools
https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap4/bootstrap_forms_inputs.aspRange control has the black bold at the end
mmichel last edited by
Looks like the Linux debian repo was not updated.
I have also a javascript issue in dev and beta (not seen in old stable): Clicking on the "display line" in red-by-sfr.fr customer's area do not load expected page.