Opera 72.0.3814.0 developer update
andrew84 last edited by
- remove coloful flashes while opening bookmarks on start page
https://forums.opera.com/post/224526 - BABE's scale/layout is still broken
- OMenu>Bookmarks/History still depend on settings ('show in panel') in the sidebar https://forums.opera.com/post/222446
- If I open some folder from bookmarks panel and then using middle-click to open bookmark, the folder is closed. Before, it was possible to open several bookmarks this way... https://forums.opera.com/post/223256
The same is with BABE, previously it was possible to open links by middle click and the BABE stayed opened. - Some icons on the address bar still disappear for the moment while the add site/folder dialog is active. https://forums.opera.com/post/222615
- play/pause button still flickers on the video poput when clicking timeline. I can't play a video that was paused in the main window before the popup was activated (at least on YouTube).
- remove coloful flashes while opening bookmarks on start page
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
In the Bookmarks sidebar panel we have a nice highlighting and dark tooltips, but bookmarks bar folders still have the light tooltips and the ugly contrasting white selection (the same is with menus). I don't understand what's the trick here to keep the not unified UI's portions.
on full bookmarks page too
balcis last edited by
I had a problem that I was reporting here for a while. I couldn't copy more than 2-3, or sometimes 8 bookmarks from speed dial of a device to anothers. I made a clean install several times but it didn't work.
this time when I signed to sync I didn't choose "sync settings" and it worked.
if anyone is having the same specific problem with me.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
The Opera taskbar icon (in Windows) still jumps around to the last position on the far right when I click a link in an external program (like in a newsletter) to open it in Opera.
W10x64, Operax64 (standalone installation) -
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
The focus in the "Clear browser data" popup window (CTRL-SHIFT-DEL) is still somewhere in the nirvana instead of the blue button.
W10x64, Operax64 -
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
Enhanced Address Bar suggestions.
Fix the layout/scale first of all (related to default page zoom in Settings)
Add quick actions buttons
Make the Top Sites section optional in Settings and collapsable (when the section is enabled)
Move 'Go To' links to the bottom (and add more links which be useful for those who don't like to see the sidebar).
make a separate sections in Settings where all the sections will be customizable (show/hide elements in each section) like it worked for the Quick Access feature in the past.
Something like this (and the 3 dots setup menu in the BABE's top right corner will lead directly to this section)
andrew84 last edited by
Top site's tile reacts on the bottom's cursor too early, still not fixed. Sometimes when moving cursor over the pane the tiles flicker because tile's active (invisible) area is oversized and I hover it even if I don't want to.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
- Years dropdown's scrollbar in history advanced search looks white in dark mode (on the cookies popup too)
- Inactive buttons in the blocked section of the cookies popup look weird, and active buttons don't have a highlighting effect on hover in dark mode
- Years dropdown's scrollbar in history advanced search looks white in dark mode (on the cookies popup too)
andrew84 last edited by
Improve the video pop-out, comparing to the yandex browser's one it looks poor.
https://forums.opera.com/post/225402 -
pclaudel1 last edited by
The upgrade to 73.0.3820.0 caused Amazon videos to stop functioning as they previously had. The mouse cursor no longer disappears from the screen when the mouse isn't in use, and tapping the space bar no longer pauses and restarts the video.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
When opening Search tabs popup an active tab should be selected. not simply the first item in the list. I think it's obvious.
And currently active tab should stay highlighted, for the hovered items another color should be used (like it worked in previous TabMenu)
*Also, the highlighting still overlaps the scrollbar (closing cross in the circle too)