Opera 20 - Another unhappy loyal supporter
tgaal last edited by
What I really do not understand is why those of us who hate Opera with Blink are considered anti-progress, old-world-advocaters and evil conservatives. I love progress. I really would love to see Opera progress, but here is what Opera Blink / Next / New engine / etc. has brought us:
- no 64-bit version
- simpler yet less useful bookmarks
- no customer support from Opera
And these lacking features are why we (or at least me) loved Opera in first place. Take these out, and it does not deserve to be called Opera any more. Also I do not see the point in making a very ill copy of Chrome with way less features. If I wanted Chrome, I would install Chrome. Which is not a browser, but a spy-software. But to have a dumb version of Chrome with a red O on it? Why would I? It makes no sense. And not because I would be against progress. I am against meaningless stuff - especially with a very reduced feature-set.
But don't worry! No Opera developer, customer service, officer, marketing or sales person will ever read your comments. Not connected to Opera Next, but in the meantime of launching Opera Next they removed all customer support contact possibilities, help desk, Facebook send message feature, etc.
So: we can fume as much as we like, but they do not pay attention to us. Looks like that customers are no longer important.
lem729 last edited by
Opera 20 gives lightening fast speed, is attractive, minimalist, has the best Speed Dial, sans pareil, on the internet, giving the innovative feature of creating folders within each speed dial position. It has other innovations, like Stash, Off-Road Mode Discover. Yes, tgaal, you are a customer, so if you are unhappy, stay with Opera 12, or go to another browser. You know what they say: you can please some of the people some of the time, but can never please all of the people all of the time. Look, a browser is more than a catalogue of features, except for what Freud appeared to describe in his essays as the anally compulsive
Deleted User last edited by
So: we can fume as much as we like, but they do not pay attention to us. Looks like that customers are no longer important.
Fuming, whining and complaining simply don't work so yes, it's a waste of time and energy. Asking for the return of certain features in the appropriate blogs where your request will be seen can produce positive results. As far as customers no longer being important, bear a couple of things in mind. First off, you are a non-paying customer. Secondly, the fuming, angry "customer" (i.e. user) is relatively unimportant given that a good portion will remain with Opera anyway and a great many more new users are being added daily to the user base. Learn to pick your battles more wisely.
A Former User last edited by
As I said in October, I don't care much about the rendering engine. I care about the interface and the configuration and security tools.
You are aware the rendering engine forms part of the backbone of any browser. You can have all the feature in the world but if too many sites are broken the browser will be useless. Besides if that's your attitude why don't you just stick with Opera 12. The rendering engine is a complete dog but there are features galore!
maximiliennoireaut last edited by
Hi everybody,
I do not usually post messages on forums but I'm very disappointed with the last version of Opera.
I'm using Opera for around 10 years now.
I had to reinstall my computer last week so I updated my version of Opera with the latest one.No page to manage the bookmark : ok I can add bookmark at the top of the page but it's not very practical.
It was better before.
How can we save sessions?To do research I used Ixquick, search engine I setup as default in Opera 12.
Now you have to use by default the following search engine : Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Wikipedia...
Why I can't define another search engine by default??In addition, before (with Opera 12) you had a shortcut at right top to reopen closed tab.
Now you have to go in the menu and select recently closed... why did you change this!
I had to install an extension which is not as good as what we had in Opera 12.Perhaps I will come back to Opera 12 or another browser.
Or do you have ideas to fix the missing functionality we had before? -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
You can reopen the last closed tab by right-clicking anywhere on the tab bar. Why do you need an extension?
There are no sessions, best you could do is save things as a bookmark or speed dial folder. (Yes, you can right-click a speed dial folder and Open All.)
lem729 last edited by
Your issues are a repeat mostly of what's been discussed ad infinitum in the forum. There are threads on most of it.
Now Opera 21 works differently than Opera 12. Certainly, you need to consider whether to do without an extension, though A lot of the customizing now comes via extension. It's your decison there. Even if it's not all the same, you can get a lot of what you want.
For sessions, here's a Chrome extension called Session Buddy, which is very popular and has a lot of downloads.
There may be other extensions for Sessions too. You need to research it if you want something else.
You can download and install on the new Opera a Chrome extension, as long as you have the Opera Extension, Called "Download Chrome Extension." https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/download-chrome-extension-9/
It sounds like you would like an easier way to bookmark and manage bookmarks.
I would add the Opera Extension, Add Bookmark
And also a good bookmark manager. The one I use now is Neater Bookmarks
Also many happy users, and a lot of downloads.
As for search engines, the problem Opera had is that a lot of the search engines were being hijacked, and the person doing the search sent to dangerous (malware, etc) sites. So the default engines are limited (and rightly so: surely you would not have wanted Opera to be exposing you to danger). So, that should be no big problem. If you go to a page with the ixquick search that you like, and right click on a search bar there (here's a possible page for that)
you can add it too Opera. You can try this page. When you right click, you add it -- and notice it looks like the critical letter that you will have to type before your search query is an i (unless you change it). Fine, now when you do an ixquick search in Opera, just type the i before your search in the main Opera address bar. i (space) and then the search query. It's no big deal.
Finally for undoing closed tabs, just click on the Opera Menu (top left of the browser) and four down from the top, you can see Recently Closed. Click on that and you can undo recently closed tabs. If you want more functionality, I use the Chrome Extension, Sexy Undo Closed Tab, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sexy-undo-close-tab/bcennaiejdjpomgmmohhpgnjlmpcjmbg?hl=en I think it's great, and gives you more functionality there than you ever had with Opera 12.
In any event, everything may not be exactly the same, but believe me, there is tons and tons of functionality. You just need to do a little work setting things up the way you want.
herrpietrus last edited by
One thing which is't nice with extension is how they usually looks. Each extension has different style, starting from it's icon...
If Opera has to be simple, perhaps Opera Software should provide us a few well designed extensions?
lem729 last edited by
Which ones? We'd all, perhaps, have different favorites? Opera put in the browser what they felt was essential, and from there it's the world of extensions, or be happy with the basic browser. The main issue, though, is that this lament over lost functionality is bogus. Yes, not everything is the same, but some things with extensions are more and better. What I try to do is read the reviews of extensions, by doing a search for them on the internet. Also I look at how many downloads there are. Now you can uninstall extensions if you don't like them. But if the attack is on extensions, per se, there's nowhere to go with it. That's the new adopted model. By the way I remember a few years ago when everyone in the Opera Forum was attacking Active X.
4o3werfsfjsdlkq234we last edited by
I updated to Opera 21 yesterday and (if a user here is correct) I had Opera 16 before. It was at least before the design began looking like Chrome. Sure, it is fast and probably load pages better. But it does just feel like Chrome in the design and functions. I use Opera because I want Opera, not because I want a Chrome copy in both design and functions.
lem729 last edited by admin
Look, it can use Chrome extensions, but it has some features that make it distinctly Opera. You lament functions lost -- presumably from Opera 16. What features do you want?
You might want to look at this link where raffaelluik discusses differences between Opera and Chrome.
4o3werfsfjsdlkq234we last edited by admin
Look, it can use Chrome extensions, but it has some features that make it distinctly Opera. You lament functions lost -- presumably from Opera 16. What features do you want?
You might want to look at this link where raffaelluik discusses differences between Opera and Chrome.
https://forums.opera.com/post/31150I think that Opera 21 looks to much like Chrome. How the design and functions work. Some functions like bookmarks, recent tab trashcan, zoom window in right bottom isn't there anymore. There is some reasons why I never began using Chrome and those reasons seems to make me leave Opera as those things seems to have been included in Opera today.
blackbird71 last edited by
I updated to Opera 21 yesterday and (if a user here is correct) I had Opera 16 before. It was at least before the design began looking like Chrome. ...
FYI, the Opera version you previously had was most probably 12.16. Opera versions 7 through 12.xx all used the Presto rendering engine, and that contributed greatly to Opera's long-time "feel" and customizability. Versions 13 and 14 were not released as desktop browsers. Starting with version 15 (and since), Opera versions have all used the Blink rendering engine, and Blink's lineage descends from Chromium and Chrome... which gives it its Chrome-like "feel". (Just for the record.)
lem729 last edited by
I think that Opera 21 looks to much like Chrome. How the design and functions work. Some functions like bookmarks, recent tab trashcan, zoom window in right bottom isn't there anymore. There is some reasons why I never began using Chrome and those reasons seems to make me leave Opera as those things seems to have been included in Opera today.
There's more bookmarking in Opera 20 than you could dream about in any other browser -- from the Speed Dial with folders to the Personal bookmarks toolbar, Stash, and various and sundry bookmark manager extensions in the Opera and Chrome extension stores. The ability to store bookmarks is a damned abundance of riches. I've had on my browser and explored Firefox, Chrome, and Internet explorer 11 and, in my view, in terms of being able to store bookmarks, none of them come close to Opera 21.
As for the trashcan, you might want to Install Sexy Undo Closed Tab from the Chrome store which has more functionality for undoing closed tabs than Opera 12 ever had. I use it in my browser. Also, Browse ++ in the Opera Store gives you a trash can for undoing closed tabs, as well as a notes function. I also have used it.
As for zooming, i like simply using the keyboard shortcut O , and 9 for making text and images smaller. You can get them by clicking on advanced features for your shortcuts. I tend to think there are extensions that can give you more.
If you want to leave Opera, so be it, but i haven't heard a reason from you that, to me, sounds very compelling. Opera 21 may have a Chrome-like feel, but it also has highly significant differences in features. Now for sure, some users have special needs that make opera 21 a less than perfect fit. I can understand that. That's why I asked what features concern you. I haven't heard one that doesn't make me think that for sure, Opera 21 would be for you an excellent, highly satisfactory browser of choice. While everyone makes his or her own choice, you say you just updated yesterday. You might want to spend a bit more time. If you do, i think, you may well find yourself pleasantly surprised with how well the new Opera, which is faster than the old, and accesses sites significantly better, functions for you
herrpietrus last edited by
lem729 - Properly working, minimalistic and not green (Add Bookmark doesn't indicate whether you already have particular website in bookmarks or not, I've also changed the icon by myself, but...) "add bookamrk" button outside the bookmarks bar, bookmarks extension similar to neaterbookamrks... We have Smart RSS as well as Classic Tabs and RSS Detector but such basic functions sholud be provided by Opera too. I understand that they removed torrents, e-mail, I don't miss much functions like autorefresh too, and I really appreciate and use stash and even folders in speed dial (currently I've two folders there :)) and it's good, especially for Opera popularization, that some people can use extensions like feedly, evernote etc, but I don't get why Opera is so stubborn and don't see that at least some of us don't want to get all Opera 12 features back. We only want some basic functionality, a bit more of it.
dinotheorist last edited by
I'm a firefox defector but I have to say... I liked the control and customization of what I was using and there's some things going on here that I'm really not used to. This can't be the browser that I've heard so many good things about, and I would like to know how to get a hold of version 12. Just as I was clicking an "unsubscribe" button in an email I had doubts about, something claiming to be an update to my opera browser popped up and I've repeatedly shut it down in task manager. You know this is a day and age when netiquette is pretty much out the window (LOL of course you know!) and you never know when something isn't what it represents itself to be. Maybe just bad timing, but the "X" in the top right corner of this thing was grayed out and nonfunctioning so I wasn't having it.
christoph142 last edited by
@mdjkh: wtf?! Stop spamming posts! You're banned for now.
[edit: I reactivated your profile again. If that's going to repeat itself, I will shut it down for good!]
maximiliennoireaut last edited by
@lem729 - Thanks for all elements you gave me.
I will take a look at Chrome extension and check what I can do with Opera 21 + extensions.Max
lem729 last edited by
On news feeds, I've really been enjoying Feedly lately. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/feedly/ndhinffkekpekljifjkkkkkhopnjodja?hl=en
If you have't tried it yet, check it out.Great, it takes some adjusting/playing around with different extensions to find what you might like. It's easy to uninstall something, if after you tried it, you find that you're not using it. So it's no big deal testing. You can also make an extension inactive. It's kinda fun
to explore all that's out there -- both the Opera extensions, and those in the Chrome store.
blackbird71 last edited by
... I would like to know how to get a hold of version 12. Just as I was clicking an "unsubscribe" button in an email I had doubts about, something claiming to be an update to my opera browser popped up and I've repeatedly shut it down in task manager. You know this is a day and age when netiquette is pretty much out the window (LOL of course you know!) and you never know when something isn't what it represents itself to be. Maybe just bad timing, but the "X" in the top right corner of this thing was grayed out and nonfunctioning so I wasn't having it.
You can download older Opera versions (based on the Presto engine) directly from Opera's ftp server at: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/
Older Opera versions can coexist on the same computer as newer Opera versions without mutual interference.The newer Opera versions (based on the Blink engine) have built-in automatic updating, and there aren't any user controls to block such updating. However, one way to force a block to future updates is to manually rename the opera_update.exe file to something else (like opera_update.xxx). Note that you will have to be sure to do that for each new installation... and, as always, only rename Opera files while Opera is shut down.
Also be aware that once you start an update process in any program in Windows, part of the updater mechanism can sometimes lodge somewhere in Windows and be a bit difficult to halt its nagging, even after you kill the updater per se. If that turns out to be the case for you, somebody knowledgeable about such things will have to inform you how to stop it from persisting, once started. I seem to recall running across a thread or two here on that subject, so you might want to try a forum search if it turns out to be the case for your situation.