Opera 21 looks and functions exactly the same as Opera 20, Because they are the same, and there is only about one months difference in development time between them.
Oh, ok. Then I might had Opera 19, 18 or something earlier. Because this was a total new design for me. I edited the first post so it says an Opera where it wasn't updated to look like Chrome.
He may have mistyped that, he might mean he wants Opera 21 to look and function the same as Opera 16 and that aint gunna happen.
Yes, I probably mean Opera 16. Thank you. If that is the case I will sadly need to change my web browser. 
Opera 21 and Opera 20 look very much the same to me. Opera 21 has some similarities to Chrome, but differences too -- like the Speed Dial with folders (Chrome has nothing in the same ballpark), Discover, Stash, Off Road Mode (all of these features too rather unique) and more. It also takes less of a footprint on your computer. I have Windows 7, 8 ram, and with Chrome constantly got warnings about most of my CPU being filled from Chrome. I got a number of blue screens I attribute to using Chrome along with Opera -- but none since I stopped using Chrome, and use Opera 20-21 exclusively. Are you referring to making the functions work like Opera 20 or Opera 12? If the latter, what functions do you want? Many functions -- though not all -- in Opera 12 can be put in Opera 20 via extension. In short, though, I'd suggest giving Opera 21'more of a chance. It sounds to me like you really haven't. Remember, Opera 21 can use Opera extensions, AND ALSO almost any extension in the Chrome store, as long as you have the Opera extension called "Download chrome Extension." So why would you want to switch to Chrome. Beats me ;)))
I do not really want to change to Chrome. I only use Chrome when I need to, like when I do web design or used something that wasn't that compatible with Opera. Chrome will never be my first choice of a web browser.