Opera 107 developer
BestCodes last edited by
@andrew84 Yep. I have no issues.
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, https://bestcodes.dev. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@bestcodes and you see the closing cross while bookmarks bar folder is open and you hover tabs?
BestCodes last edited by
@andrew84 No, I still have that issue.
Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, https://bestcodes.dev. I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@bestcodes ok.
Another one example. You opened a link in new window (*) (so only 1 tab in window). You begin to drag the single tab and you want to drag this tab into parent window, you really can do this?Edited: *opened a link in new window
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@bestcodes there's a separate topic on forum regarding the issue and other users confirm the issue when tabs are dropped to the right of the "+" button.
https://forums.opera.com/topic/60869/suddenly-i-cannot-drag-tabs-to-another-browser-window-anymore?_=1701859403801 -