Opera 105.0.4963.0 developer update
donq last edited by
Unfortunately rendering just does not work on my system (older onboard intel video) - makes screen (partially or fully) grey. Reverting to 4957, have no time to experiment with graphic acceleration options.
homarlozoya last edited by
The screen grays out every so often and you have to click on the screen to fix it, it seems to be a rendering problem that didn't happen with previous versions.
MichaIng last edited by
Already since version 103, enabling the "Out-of-process SW H.264 decoding" flag (which is at least since then the default) causes (H.264) video playback to have strange micro back and forth jumps. The video overall plays in correct speed, no loading or such, i.e. network and buffering is not the issue. It looks like a few frames (or even just one) from a fraction of a second earlier are mixed in 2-3 times every second. It might be due to the old laptop of mine, with an Intel HD Graphics 4000 from an i3110M chip. I am not sure about the benefits of running the software decoder (?) in the GPU process instead of the render process, or whether 3rd generation Intel i chips are still relevant enough to disable this flag by default.
ghirahim last edited by
And here we are, the built-in ad blocker no longer works on YouTube. Now what?
MichaIng last edited by
@homarlozoya: Try to disable the "Out-of-process 2D canvas rasterization" flag.