Opera 95.0.4632.0 developer update
SiMcarD78 last edited by SiMcarD78
In Play Store site all "install" buttons are greyed.
For example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bendingspoons.dawn.ai&hl=it&gl=USIn other browsers I don't have problems.
tspringer last edited by
@simcard78: if I remove "&gl=US" it works fine here.. else it's greyed out as you say.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
Unfotunately, there's still no obvious way to exclude pages from 'force dark mode'.
there's opera://settings/content/forceDarkMode, but there should be more obvious to users way.*Maybe I'm missing something, but I cant find the force dark theme entry manually, only by the direct link.
Edit: On forum I found an acceptable way > right click on a page> disable force dark page. But opera://settings/content/forceDarkMode must be also acceptable not only by direct link.
zoli62 last edited by
Where and how to turn on Lucid mode? A can not see this feature in settings and videos.
firuz-u7 last edited by firuz-u7
After synchronization, copied links and inserted into the address line is not able to follow the link only google search is an option and that's it
Opera has a choice between searching and following the link before synchronization, but after turning on synchronization between the PC and the Smartphone, only the search remains and you need to insert an additional '/' to make the transition very inconvenient.
beboss last edited by
@opera-comments-bot Are you going to fix images dragging between tabs? This bug has been present for at least 15 builds... I opened an image in one tab and then attempted to drag it to another. When you drag it to another tab, it goes to the one before this one, not the one where you left it.
koimark last edited by koimark
Has anyone had problems with viewing content of for example clicking a link using developer versio. I got now quite often white screen and impartially loaded content.
For example link https://github.com/dirkwhoffmann/
And then after a while (etc.) it works just fine. It should be not related ot internet connection because using another browser works fine.Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...