I am thinking that the script-generated stylesheet is the last stylesheet loaded, and that is why it overrides. I am stuck with using a bookmarklet to override the body background if I really need to do that.
Absolutely Searider, I check on Opera every couple of years, always hoping for the best and always being profoundly betrayed. It SUCKS! It's worse than fucking Chrome! Help pages haven't been updated since version 12! I downloaded version 45 today. Not a single word of how to customize a tool bar is true. Not even the very first fucking word! Oh, well we don't have time to update the help pages because we're too busy fucking up the worse browser.
Use the search engine preferences. opera://settings/searchEngines
I don't see a way to edit the built-in default search engines, but you could simply create a new one with the keyword 'wfr' say for French, and use the url https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s
This didn't work. This is the only station that skips like this -- it's a live stream, but never did this on Chrome/Safari. Is there anything else I can do?
Some websites look at the user agent and - if they see a browser they are not familiar with - tell you that you need to use a different browser. Opera practically is Chrome, but if the website blocks Opera yet accepts Chrome then they'll tell the site they are Chrome.