Opera 81 Stable
thortik last edited by
Hi. Can you please tell me how to force discards background tabs without closing it?
If you wait for automatic unloading from memory, it's too long. The Flickr site can consume all the RAM (16 gigabytes) in a matter of seconds by opening 5-7 tabs.
Some browsers have this feature by default and even have a hotkey.I know there is "opera://discards/", but it is too inconvenient for constant everyday use. I would like the tab to discard at the click of a button.
treego last edited by
@thortik said in Opera 81 Stable:
Hi. Can you please tell me how to force discards background tabs without closing it?
If you wait for automatic unloading from memory, it's too long. The Flickr site can consume all the RAM (16 gigabytes) in a matter of seconds by opening 5-7 tabs.
Some browsers have this feature by default and even have a hotkey.I know there is "opera://discards/", but it is too inconvenient for constant everyday use. I would like the tab to discard at the click of a button.
I totally agree! Vivaldi does this very nicely, I know.
treego last edited by
@cinemak said in Opera 81 Stable:
Pls keep updating in a stable mode quickly.
I am just curious ... what do you think is most important about updating quickly? Security concerns -OR- something else?
A Former User last edited by
Hello there! Could the developers add a feature to automatically sync all extensions to Opera, like Chrome does?
PurpleT last edited by
Sorry, but the fast tab tooltips are hideously annoying, yet there's no obvious way to disable the damned things
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@purplet It's not obvious, but goto the URL
, disable the flag, and restart Opera.Whenever you can't find a setting for something, you can goto the URL
to see if there's at least a flag for it. No guarantee that if there's a flag for something, the flag will stay there forever though. -
vomax007 last edited by
@drakostaarn It is useless to ask them about it. I already wrote to them about this many times, and not only me, always ignoring from the developers. Opera does not find this feature useful. The only browser where there is still no extension synchronization, despite the fact that it has been on the Chrome engine for several years.
FabriceN last edited by
which version is the stable one ?
since the last update ( 81.0.4196.31 / ubuntu 20.04 ) :-
many video are no longer playing ( e.g. twitter )
the "copy image" feature is no longer by reference when possible ( this also happened to firefox and chrome recently, so I guess it may come from a side library, at least on linux ). So I can no longer post, or even save as draft, my daily newsletter ( rich in web images ).
the ultra-annoying bug ( present in previous version ) that makes Opera window popup on mouse flyover is still there. With 2 windows, this can even leads to a war between the 2 windows.
FabriceN last edited by
" many video are no longer playing ( e.g. twitter ) "
- Including animGifs: e.g. https://twitter.com/i/status/1274579545870368768
- And facebook videos as well. e.g. https://www.facebook.com/groups/procgenart/posts/2510424025755078/
FabriceN last edited by
@avl : I'm not sure to understand : are you talking about the point 3, the windows popping on top of others ? if yes:
As my linux window manager is configured ( since forever ), windows come to front only on click, but still get the focus on flyover.
Opera is the first application ever to pop to front just when it happened to be on the mouse way. And this strange annoying behavior even turn pathological when 2 Opera windows are close to the mouse: then they alternatively pop in front at about 60Hz.