Opera 74.0.3911.203 Stable update
ispeakthetruth2077 last edited by
Since the last update, every time I open Opera no matter if I have other tabs already opened in a Workspace, it opens a new Speed Dial page by itself. When I had first installed Opera on my system, I had copy/pasted the "Preferences" file in the corresponding directory, so I wouldn't have to set up everything from the start, so I thought something was wrong by my end. But I just tried a clean uninstallation and installed the browser again and the problem still persists. Does anyone else have the same problem?
shintoplasm01 last edited by
@ispeakthetruth2077: In Opera's settings page (opera://settings/) under 'On startup' there is an option to "Display the start page first" even when you've selected to retain tabs from your previous session. Are you sure it's not that?
ispeakthetruth2077 last edited by
@shintoplasm01 You are right. I couldn't remember this option was available. How it got selected by itself I cannot know. Thank you.
hectormaciasa1979 last edited by
Now Speed Dial stopped showing. Even after killing idle process that won't go away after closing, and restarting.
Also news won't show and my pinned tabs show content but won't show any icons.
Windows 10
hectormaciasa1979 last edited by leocg
@hectormaciasa1979: I had to go into config, hide Speed Dial, then news appeared, then show Speed Dial again, and then it showed again.
I'm quite upset!!!
bristolian last edited by
I've had this as well since last night. It's a pain in the you know where!. -
sgrandin last edited by
Not sure if it's the same thing others are reporting, but Tuesday all of a sudden the Speed Dial disappeared on opening it, only showing the background. After closing Opera, the program then wouldn't start. With a reboot (Win 10), it was back to normal. But then at the next cold start, it happened again and multiple restarts didn't fix it. I had to kill MBAM and do a system restore to early Tuesday to get things back to normal. It's holding so far. The only thing that had changed during the day was a Windows Defender security update.
rastanz last edited by
Speed dial has turned to shit again, slow to load or never loads at all, what did you guys break now?
shintoplasm01 last edited by
@rastanz According to the various Reddit discussions it's a broken internal extension, which should be receiving a silent update to fix this. I don't really have any further details.
sgrandin last edited by
@shintoplasm01: Since doing a system restore last night, I've been occasionally getting extension error notices, at first from Opera and then other programs, but I can't find what they refer to, or what they refer to appears to be set up correctly.
rastanz last edited by
Okay, I found out why my Speed Dial wasn't loading, the Speed Dial folder reset itself and deleted the contents when installing or updating my extensions and even when installing live wallpaper themes the Speed Dial would default back to empty and all my tiles would be moved to the 'Other Bookmarks' folder section under 'DESKTOP-46P963L'.
If your Speed Dial folder is empty then Opera is most likely searching for your tiles in the folder tree in the case of where mine were moved too in the 'Imported / Other Bookmarks ' section which is probably why it took ages to load or didn't load at all.
I had to copy all my tiles back into the Default Speed Dial folder so that they would load as normal and upon doing so my Opera Speed Dial page was back to it's fast loading speed.
Anyone having slow loading or experiencing an empty Speed Dial page should look into it as it may solve your issue as it did mine... for now.
sgrandin last edited by
@rastanz: Windows was/is up to date when this all broke out. During the day there was a Defender update and a NET update, but apparently they weren't taken out by the restore, since the NET update hasn't reappeared (I check twice a day because of security updates). The underlying question is did the NET update cause the SD problem, or did Opera send an unannounced update, or do something else that triggered it in some other way. I see your work around, but other than checking an extension when there's an error, I haven't had any SD problems since.