Opera 112.0.5193.0 developer update
mbstafs last edited by
@pirap2: And when you click on it (i.e. to see what it's good for :D) in a private tab, it says: "Aria is not available in Private Mode. Open regular Opera window to access the command line."
(It also doesn't react when I press either "Tweak it" or "Spell check" i regular windows.)
tastodd last edited by
Finally, thanks for the solution of the problem with rounded corners in the fullscreen mode
firuz-u7 last edited by
Good afternoon Opera developers!
I use the dark theme in both daylight and darkness.
But in the dark theme, every time after restoring a recently closed tab using the Ctrl+Shift+T combination, white screen flashes appear and then the tab opens, and so on every time. Fix it please! -
andrew84 last edited by
@tspringer I'm waiting for a year already that tabs management on the tabstrip will be as smooth and correct as in pre One versions, not better but simply the same. I almost despaired. Maybe the mess will continue until next global UI refresh.
koimark last edited by
@tspringer: I came here to report the same problems. Unresponsive browser must be forced to shut down.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...
hecgalher last edited by
So no disable the annonying tab emojis? Honestly I don't like it, please give the option to remove it.
koimark last edited by
Because the previous version folder is there in the Program Files is there easy way to use it instead of this new one? Just renaming the newest version "112.0.5193.0" -folder is not working.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...
koimark last edited by
@tspringer: It could be that those tab emojis caused crashes/hangins. At least it seems to me that after disableing those browser has not crashed. I have (too) many tabs (278) so it could be that large amount of tabs and tab emojis are the problem?
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. ...
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@koimark There's a section for doing that at https://reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/rollback_version/ that should help.
Though, it's super easy to uninstall without deleting your data where you then delete the install folder afterwards and reinstall.