Introducing Opera 103
albano23 last edited by
Hi, I don't know if it happens to everyone, but in Linux Ubuntu 22.04, when I click on the icon to open the browser, instead of opening only one, it opens two, (As if you give several clicks to the icon, I only give one). My question is a bug in this version, I say, because the first few days to have it, ie came out on October 2, we are at 5, well those first two days, did not do what to get two, to click the icon to open it.
If someone knows something, I would appreciate the answer.
Best regards.
MeisterP80 last edited by
Opera is still loosing tabs. I cannot understand why new features seem to be more important than fixing the reliability.
Livorno last edited by
The circus act that has become Opera should disband. Go back to the last working, effective, intuitive version and work on the next 'version' when you clowns get it together. Whatever Opera pays their 'developers' is way too much for such mind-boggling incompetence. Take some winos out of the back alleys and give them a crack at a new version.
andrew84 last edited by
Steps to reproduce the unresponsive web page bug. -
iPristy last edited by
Not a very practical browser, it's hard to scroll when picking a slider with mouse, it's not to the edge of screen.
Opera logo on top of the O Menu looks ugly.
Tabs should be a bit bigger, yes they are in center but of what, not to the edge of screen.I mean this are basic stuff, not sure what are you doing here.
A Former User last edited by
Opera is still the browser, I prefer and which comes closest to my very own workflow. It's true that I've been coming back to Opera for over 1 1/2 year now.
I gave Vivaldi a try lately, especially as I liked their iOS spin-off a lot. But eventually I came back to Opera as I've run into some issues and even into more of them when I was using Vivaldi on desktop. -
kovrigin last edited by
Window movement constantly turns on if I try to scroll through the lists with the mouse. Remove this 1 pixel.
Alegzandriia last edited by
I can't watch any youtube videos with the adblocker turned on(ublock doesn't work aswell)
(its says that "adblocks are againts Youtubes ToS) -
Livorno last edited by
@alegzandriia See if your browser has an ad blocker installed. The name Ad Blocker is a trade name for a blocker product that youtube wants to by-pass. My browser, Avast Secure, has a scale of blocking from basic to a high level that is sometimes too much. Before Avast, I had Opera but its 'upgrades' are a mess but the blocker worked. Give Avast Secure a try. They will want you to upgrade but I see no reason to do so. Keep trying, I haven't seen an ad, so these other blockers do work!
DarthGTB last edited by
The new Speed Dial animations are a bit annoying. I'm ok with the highlight aspect of the animation, but the bouncing when clicking is a bit too much
andrew84 last edited by
@darthgtb in 104 version will be one animation more. -
andrew84 last edited by
@darthgtb The source is 104 (reached Beta already) Developer version itself. You can install and check.
And according to the 104's changelog the both animations are intended. -
Loraxz last edited by
Can you please add "Shift+click" functionality to quickly select multiple bookmarks much easier and faster? All other browsers have it and Opera users have been asking for it for years...