How to use Tab Islands in Opera One Browser
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@daleneurauter I keep what I said. You can disable automatic creation of tab islands and even get tabs scrolling back but you can change the layout.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@thelittlebrowserthatcould Tab scrolling was reintroduced in the last Opera Developer 102 build, so probably it's not working yet in the stable releases.
haakan last edited by
Guys, access the opera://flags menu to get the scrolling bar back. Combining tab islands and scrolling (done via middle mouse button) can be very productive. I'm loving it.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@thechrist953751 Automatic creation of tab islands can be disabled in settings page.
edmechem last edited by
This feature is partially - but not fully - keyboard drivable. Please add:
- Please add keyboard command to collapse current island, if currently selected tab is part of an island.
- When using keyboard to "Show Previous Tab" or "Show Next Tab", collapsed tab islands are skipped over. They should not be skipped; rather, they should get the keyboard focus. At that point, there should be a keyboard command to expand currently selected (collapsed) island.
Tab Islands is a nice feature for mouse-centric casual users. Great! The mouse works.
Tab Islands is also a nice feature for keyboard-centric organized users. Great! Well...... not quite there yet.
TL;DR: Add full keyboard drivability.
343535466i last edited by
it would be great if we could move tab islands between windows and maybe choose the colors ourselves sometime because I sometimes forget what is in which and hovering over them all to find out is eh (yeah I can tab search but colors would be more intuitive).
TheFr1zz last edited by
Would be great if we could name the tab islands, that way I know whats in the tab without having to look at the specific tabs in the island
raywood1 last edited by
There should be a ready option to disable tab islands. At present, doing so is complicated and disruptive.
First, to close an existing island, I had to click on a tab within an island, and then mouse over the vertical bar at the left edge of the island. That opened up an option to Close Island (2 tabs). Moving the mouse very carefully, after a half-dozen tries, I was finally able to get the mouse cursor to reach that option before it vanished. But then I discovered that clicking that option would close my tabs as well as the island. I had to manually copy their URLs and create separate tabs to reopen those webpages. Closing the copied tabs then closed the island.
To disable creation of future tab islands, I went to opera://settings/?search=islands. That gave me an option to turn off "Automatically create tab islands."
oomloud last edited by
Totally agree. While considering Opera GX the best browser for me, I've been looking at Chrome once again due to their tab grouping. Now I came across Islands, happily installed it only to find out that the grouping is going to be a set of faceless color bars and basically the feature is almost useless. Please add the naming possibilty.
williamanthonys last edited by
I would really like to disable this feature. It has been disturbing my navigation in the Opera browser.