Opera 95.0.4618.0 developer update
Opera Comments Bot last edited by
Hello, Hot from the oven, a new Opera 95 developer build is ready for you. It’s based on Chromium version, 109.0.5410.0. This version includes a very nice improvement for those of you who use messengers in the sidebar – it’s now possible to drag & drop a file from your desktop window to a pinned […]
Read full blog post: Opera 95.0.4618.0 developer update
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
really nice 'redesign'
*previously mentioned visual bugs were not fixed
https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2022/11/opera-94-0-4604-0-developer-update/#comment-293791**You'd better make the redesign flag visible to be able to turn it off temporarily.
andrew84 last edited by
I noticed the flag #address-bar-categories-customization
I don't know if it was implemented due to suggestion, but this is a very good change I should say. It finally allows to disable unnecessary info in address bar dropdown.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
DNA-103370 [SD][Suggestions] Glowing background on tiles that have smaller graphic
As was mentioned earlier, the problem was not only in glowing effect. It displays smaller graphic (I guess this is an enlarged favicon) because smth. is broken there after the redesign and Opera can't display the default tiles graphic (solid color tiles).
the default tile for this blog page was red
After the redesign it looks like solid white with ugly enlarged icon in the center
Heart menu still shows the correct one.
Sometimes it shows the empty icon and after restart/refresh shows the wrong graphic again.
+black hardly readable text on some wallpapers.
chlan0321 last edited by
A mouse-middle click on the speed dial page used to open the page in a new tab in the background. But this feature is no longer available as of version 95. Is it feasible to restore this function?
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@chlan0321 I can confirm that middle click opens a page in new tab instead of the background tab.
Also, I can't drag tiles out of folders.
I also can't drag tiles into empty folder. I somehow created an empty folder previously in recent builds, but before the redesign it was not possible to have empty folders.
beboss last edited by
Are you going to fix image dragging between tabs? This bug is already there for 10 builds at least... I have opened an image in a tab and then i try to drag it do a different tab where google images search is loaded so I can search for that image. But when drag it to the google images tab, doesn't load google images tab but the previews one or 2-3 tabs before google images tab....