Opera 84.0.4267.0 developer update
zoli62 last edited by
Recently, I noticed that syncing doesn't work on Linux after opening the browser, I have to log in / out of my account all the time, then the sync fails and the saved passwords need to be reset. Then, after the second login, the synchronization is successful. What could be the reason for this and is there a solution?
danstudio last edited by
"Tab" button when editing CSS in deleloper mode is broken!
It jumps out of textarea to next UI element ("format" button) instead of adding tabulation.This is very annoying, please fix it.
andrew84 last edited by
Make the tooltip's tabs dropdown optional in Settings or make the list expandable/collapsable (and remember its state)
https://forums.opera.com/post/268438*Or return the flag, at least
If Opera team read the forum, there enough complaints regarding the feature (dropdown, to be precise)
andrew84 last edited by
fix the tabs strip behavior described here https://forums.opera.com/post/269635
I checked the same in Edge/Chrome and there it works correctly.
All channels affected. -
ralf-brinkmann last edited by ralf-brinkmann
Still this problem? "Lack of memory". On the Facebook page.
andrew84 last edited by
Looks like new tab opening is slower in this version. I can see the empty icon and 'Loading...' for a moment.
Previously it was almost immediately.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@andrew84 and some mess with closing cross for the first/single speed dial tab
-after creating new tab first tab is without the cross until I hover by cursor
-after closing all the tabs, single tab still has the closing cross until I hover it by cursor
So there were some manipulations with tabs creation from Opera side, I guess
furakafurniturevn last edited by
Recently, I noticed that syncing doesn't work on Linux after opening the browser, I have to log in / out of my account all the time, then the sync fails and the saved passwords need to be reset.