Opera 77 developer
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Nope. Vivaldi has created separate version for ARM processors, for example. Whole lot of other compilation issues. Do not soap my eyes, please.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg I've made an error, n-th time. I wrote about the never ending changelog never appearing. Never appearing information on new releases, overloaded changelogs mixing Opera versions etc.
I found Opera Stable Version:75.0.3969.149
Where is the corresponding information and explanation?I+m not suggesting you have problem with your vision, but... see yourself below.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I've stopped paying attention to your answers many weeks ago. When you try to help you are helpful, but many times you seem to bravely defend an Ivory Tower which does not exist. Stop playing this ping-pong attitude once and for all. It's senseless.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Helpful and clear. Thanks.
It means Opera is using core builds to which are then added external layouts e.g. macOS, GX and Developer. Am I correct now? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pavelopdev And sorry but I couldn't get your point regarding Opera 75 and it's changelog.
The page you mentioned is the Opera 75 release post and it mentions the main features and fixes for that version.
Bug fixing builds may or may not have their own release posts. However the changes are listed on the changelog. Which, by the way, seems to be offline now. -
A Former User last edited by leocg
@leocg Well, I'm straight man, not downright simpleton, but I appreciate straightforward documentation.
Main tree
- Opera Stable
- Opera Beta
- Opera Developer
Forked tree
- Opera Mobile (bla. bla...)
- Opera GX
- Opera macOS
Others tree
- Opera Whatever Yo Conjured Up in Your Forges
Every lineage should have distinct documentation correlated with every new release:
- release info
- debuggerlog
- changelog
Whether you make all three branches (lineages) of main Opera (stable, beta, developer) based on One core build is important to You only.
I do discern Opera on their GUI and target (CPU or user groups). Namely, I do see and recognize Opera as Stable, Opera Beta and Opera Developer (all for Desktop) only.
That's why I search for clear and actual information about release info, debugger info and change info (development, new features info).
The simple structure is f... up by Opera Teamers constantly. I'm sorry, but the language is justifiable. Everything in those areas is being botched up time after time. Where the hell search for the basic information about new releases then when they do not exist?
It doesn't matter if it is 75, 76, 77 or whatever number, the respective posts are happen to be bungled. It should never been happening!
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
Hi @angrypenguin, it's different flag - I mean "#disable-accelerated-video-decode", you have to keep it disabled if you want to use HW acceleration on Windows.
You can re-enable the "#enable-accelerated-video-decode", but you need firstly enable "opera:flags#temporary-unexpire-flags-m90", restart the browser and you should be able to see it again.
It looks like usual procedure for Chromium's developers, when they disable a flag for a feature which is stable enough and/or when an option to switch it on/off already exist in Settings. -
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
Hi @pavelopdev, regarding "accelerated video decode", please read my reply here.
A Former User last edited by
@pavelopdev Addendum.
I do not want as well any mix (Tennis expression) in Opera XX (77, whatever number) Developer changelog page. I do not want information about GX and ARM (macOS). Leave the shit (for me) to other branches of releases. On Opera 77 developer (or whatever) I need to have information about Opera Developer (number here, please) only.
The sad see-saw game on Opera Stable branch is outrages. I've proved it earlier on this forum page markedly enough.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@l33t4opera Thanks, I thought about it. The issue will emerge when the number is increased.
In other words the problem will continue probably with new updates.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pavelopdev said:
Open https://zen.yandex.com. Scroll down to any zen showing a film. When you switch Vulkan on
Use vulkan as the graphics backend. – Windows, Linux, Android
#enable-vulkan Enabledand reload Opera, all the films will start to blink with repetition (blink) frequencies increasing quickly with passing times.
Maybe that's why the flag is disabled by default? Didn't test with this version yet but in the previous ones enabling that flag resulted in lots of issues.
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
@pavelopdev Not a problem
Though I'm not completely sure, but it should be OK. I think they have a plan to have it enabled by default in most cases (for most popular and new GPUs), and if you want to disable only HW acceleration (in case it will not work properly), there's "--disable-accelerated-video-decode" switch for it and it should be available, even after the other flag is gone. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pavelopdev Stable, beta and Developer are stages of the development of the software, branches like you said.
You can either follow each version though each stage/branch or you can just pick one branch to follow and forget the other two. I prefer the second option.Mobile versions of Opera are made by different teams and it doesn't make sense to discuss them in a topic about Opera for Desktops.
And for desktops there are only regular Opera and Opera GX.
Every lineage should have distinct documentation correlated with every new release:
That's what happens, except for the debug thing.
Everything in those areas is being botched up time after time
How if it haven't changed in a long while?
kened Banned last edited by
It has been almost four months since the Opera team asked users for suggestions on how to improve the enhanced address bar. But so far, nothing new has been added to it.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@kened It looks worse than in the time when it was was first re-implemented.
Personally, I disabled this feature and begin forgetting about its existence because I lost a hope to see something valuable or useful.
I can't understand what's the problem there, but I believe the feature will be deprecated (for the second time, taking into account the previous version of enhanced address bar) sooner than we'll see significant improvements. And they'll say again that their telemetry shows unpopularity of this feature. -
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@kened Ok,
Unfortunatelly, in its current view the feature is useless for me.
I don't need top sites, the sites I visit often are on my speed dial page and recently closed tabs I can see in SearchTabs popup.
I'd like to see quick action buttons (copy, paste, paste & go and other) but they continue ignoring suggestions (including ability to show/hide top sites section)
*And in addition the current 'centered' items layout on the BABE irritates me.