Help us create a better address bar experience
JurajKovac last edited by
I for one would be psyched if the address bar pop-up would be touch-friendly. Right now, I can't tap on a URL suggestion to open the page.
If the new shortcuts updated seamlessly based on input, i.e. filtering as I type, that would be quite useful. -
kamil7165 last edited by kamil7165
Your idea is good if only it will be possible to disable these shortcuts in settings. With the URL there are other things to improve. 1) When I'm typing, it prompts random previous pages from history even though in history there are exact web pages' titles and addresses which are more relevant. 2) Maybe it would be better to list more results from history and google prompts or allow us to set limit of number of lines. 3) I'd love to see better prompts from google. At the moment google prompts whole passphrases even though many often times I want to enter single word. So prompting one word at a time (the first words of a whole google prompt) would be some relief when searching.
andrew84 last edited by
@kamil7165 said in Help us create a better address bar experience:
When I'm typing
You're talking about the address bar dropdown, I guess. Enhanced address bar and address bar dropdown are two different things. Dropdown appears when you type, enhanced address bar appears (optionally) when you click on the address field.
kamil7165 last edited by
I also think that the green padlock was way better as you could quickly check if given page is secure (I know that in fact that's simplification but still way better). And the protocol prefix (like http/https) displaying was also nice.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@kamil7165 Many browsers are stop using the green padlock icon to avoid giving an unreal sensation of total security.
mahotilo last edited by
@taroj1205 I can also use the search engine shortcut in the query string. But we are talking about how to make our life easier.
oskarwik last edited by
As long as it is customizable, I don't want to risk seeing Alibaba, Booking, Facebook or Amazon every time I click at the address bar. The mockup looks good!
I really miss keyboard short cuts (such as ctrl+1 for the first tab) and that I have to use the mouse more nowadays.