Opera 70 comes with easier access to closed tabs, simpler searches, and new Workspace icons
paweljuchnik last edited by
Can You also add Google Hangouts to the Sidebar? It will be very usefull.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@paweljuchnik You can try enabling opera://flags/#sidebar-site-panel and add it.
daimonpaul last edited by
I love the Opera browser, but you guys just removed the feature that I use the most: the Recently Closed Tabs button. The way Opera has done it in the past is far superior to all other browsers, which rely on extensions and other workarounds. Opera had it built into the browser, and it worked great! And now you've "upgraded" by removing a feature and replacing it with something far inferior. Now I can only see the last three tabs that I've opened when I click the new "search" button. Please bring back this feature, or at least give users the option to keep it.
nickuasse last edited by leocg
Again the "closed tabs" button disappeared and the "search" button appeared. What are you doing? What for? Bring back "closed tabs"
ignome last edited by leocg
Second time i see a major riot against that removed closed tab button.
And you have the balls to claim this shitty new version brings a faster access to closed tabs ?
It's still 2 clicks to go to the history panel, it was one click for years with that button.
This is the last chance i give to opera to fix this or ill will switch indefinitely to another browser, after 15 years as loyal user. -
enic last edited by
I need to revert to previous version because of 'closed tabs button'
thanks so much
slytzel last edited by
What we all feared happened: the "closed tabs" button disappeared again, this time with no way to get it back. I do not understand, why the devs do want to upset their customers this bad. I know you can acess these features in another way. But I do not want to enable the sidebar all the time that takes up space on my screen, and especially without that bar, there is no replacement that is as easy and quickly to use as this button. Why won't you give us the option to enable it? Do you want to make us use the browser the way that YOU feel like is best? That is not what Opera is or should be about.
In short, if you really care for your customers opinion: give us that button back! -
lynnpin last edited by
Well, my browser just updated to version 70 today. The recently closed tabs button is gone. I'm already missing it. Please reinstate it or at least give us the option to enable it. We can't all be wrong!
greyreth last edited by
Can you, or anyone who forces such revolutionary features like this another meaningless release, give us an example of when "Search in Tabs" could be used? Should I have some form of psychiatric disorder to use this button the way it's described?
"Recently closed", please.
greyreth last edited by
@paweljuchnik: Christ. I thought it has been already discontinued. So is this you who always asks for similar buttons that no one else uses in this browser?
greyreth last edited by
@mrhitsumaru said:
Return the "recently closed tabs" The new one is garbage
greyreth last edited by
Btw, could more attention be payed to non-English threads like the following, please.
In general, could more attention be payed to, say, national communities where Opera represents larger market shares (historically or due to current need of VPN)? -
timcus last edited by
I went back to the previous version of Opera (69...) and disabled auto-update and probably will never turn it back on again. ThAnK yOu To ThE dEvElOpErS for disabling the closed tabs menu. thumb_up
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@greyreth What do you mean? Search in tabs can be used to, as the name says, search for a specific tab. It can be very helpful when you have lots of tabs opened, like that many users that used to post here complaining that it was very difficult to find a tab in Opera when there are too many tabs opened.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
If they removed the flag, it's very possible that the code is also removed (or will be removed soon).