Little Bugs
amatczak Opera last edited by amatczak
So you are talking about mobile view...
The blob just indicates how many unread (new) notifications you have. To access it you have to click the hamburger button (three grey lines). I never thought this to be confusing to be honestBtw. You can upload screenshots directly here when writing a post.
A Former User last edited by
@amatczak said in Little Bugs:
So you are talking about mobile view...
The blob just indicates how many unread (new) notifications you have. To access it you have to click the hamburger button (three grey lines). I never thought this to be confusing to be honestBtw. You can upload screenshots directly here when writing a post.
Why "mobile view" when I'm on desktop (kinda)?
How do you upload? The tools bar? Trouble is I tried clicking "emoji", and my Ff ESR52 hung for several minutes ('unresponsive script').
A Former User last edited by
@leocg said in Little Bugs:
@joshl There is an icon with a cloud and an arrow that says 'upload images', just click on it.
I will hold you liable for any incongruence with the scripts then:P
Nope, it wants a saved file. No clipboard.
O'k, nowDid it work?
A Former User last edited by
@leocg said in Little Bugs:
@joshl The 'Unread' icon maybe? It by default will show all unread posts for all forums. You should be able to change it there.
No, I've read the thread about it. I did it before any other notices I've done, so I'm aware and know the difference. Thanks.
A Former User last edited by
Only this session in this browser, but possible.
Try this. After I tried something just to check a trifle composing posts then discarded my post (the cross up left), pages started to come empty at my first click (main and boards), then they loaded after "Reload". I closed the forums tab, then I reopened the forums anew without any additional tinkering - now it seems to be working fine again as usual.
It might be nothing, or my browser glitch, but just to be sure check it out. Discard a post then proceed...