Sync does work, however it works only when it wants to not when you want to. With me, it can take anywhere from a couple minutes to hours for anything to show up on android. And the only stuff that does is my open tabs. My history very rarely syncs and when it does, it's usually stuff I've already removed from my pc history. I've given up on Opera of ever fixing this since there's practically no support from actual Opera employees and sync has been buggy since the get go.
Best posts made by slytheringirl
RE: Sync is not workingOpera for Android
Opera no longer allowing users to delete search history on all sitesOpera for Windows
I updated to 58.0.3135.47 and now I can no longer delete my search history. I don't mean the browser history, I mean the stuff you enter into a website's search box. Before the update, I would be able to delete the previous searches by clicking on to the search box and then hitting the 'X' that appeared at the end of each previous search entry. Now that X is totally gone from most pages and I am no longer able to delete those previous searches unleess I use an extension!
However, if I disable the extension whatever I it deleted is still listed when I click on the site's search box! How am I supposed to get rid of previous searches without having to probably delete all the data stored on Opera?! I'm not going to reset Opera again, since the last time I did, all my extensions got deleted even tho' it said that that wouldn't happen. Give us back our right to delete whatever we want from the search history on ALL sites!!!
RE: A Manual sync buttonSuggestions and feature requests
I agree we need that sync button!! However, I'm not too happy with the new download ui and I'm not the only one. Others have been complaining in the play store that it's become a hassle to have to do extra work to rename a download or change file locations.
RE: Advertising link at top of start pageOpera for Android
Updated to 80.1.4244.77335 today and now, a whole bunch of ad sites showed up at the top of my homepage! If Opera weren't the only browser (other than Chrome) whose sync function has the least issues for me, I'd ditch it for good
right now! -
RE: Delete history for specific websitesOpera for Windows
I use the V7 History extension to delete multiple entries for specific sites. It's much better than searching through Opera's history and deleting them one by one.
Please, please, please add a manual sync button and actually fix syncing of the history!!Synchronization
I keep hoping that all of the sync bugs would get fixed with each new update, but it seems it may never happen. I've kept quiet, but I'm getting pretty tired of my desktop version 49.0.2725.34 (running on Windows 10 home 64bit) not syncing the history with my Android version (43.0.2246.121183) Everything else syncs fine (bookmarks, tabs, passwords) but not the history. It only syncs the history when it wants to and not all of my history gets synced when it does sync. Opera desperately needs a manual sync button at least on Android so we can have all our things synced properly.
RE: Sidebar only on Speed Dial pageOpera for Mac
I quite agree. It's yet another pain in the rear that the devs decided to force on their users. Opera used to be one of the best browsers out there, then China had to go and ruin it when they took over.
So now i have to add the bookmarks and extensions pages like I did with the tabs page (for when Tabs aren't syncing) to my Speed Dial so I can get to them quickly without having to constantly switch the damned sidebar off and on or right click on Speed Dial. I liked it much better when the sidebar stayed put on the Speed Dial only. Now, it's either no sidebar or permanent.
RE: When attempting to add bookmark the bookmark folder is emptyOpera for Android
It's the same with me when using the dark theme. I have to switch to the light theme in order to be able to see my bookmark folders if I want to add to them.
RE: View image extensionOpera add-ons
I have the Chrome one and have it set to access search results and is working fine for now.
RE: Day by day Opera becomes unpopularLounge
@jackob11 I agree, Opera has gone down hill in quality these past few updates especially on Android. However, it seems to be a growing trend with most browsers these days. Most software/app companies seem to be focussing on quantity (amount of features/unnecessary and unwanted bells and whistles) than quality (compatibility and stability).
RE: Opera updated to 49 and now having flash player problemsOpera for Windows
I'm having the same problem after updating to Opera 49. Allowing exceptions doesn't work at all for me.
Disappointed with Opera 44 for AndroidOpera for Android
Once again, Opera devs have messed up what used to be a great alternative to Firefox. Not only does it still not block ads on some sites, it now has a microscopic speed dial and there is no way to make it legible! I need my larger easy to read speed dial back; my eyes are bad as they are already, I don't need to make them worse with this crappy update!
RE: Chrome extensions imported to Opera on all platformsSuggestions and feature requests
@sostpm You can use this extension to install Chrome extensions: It may not be what you're looking for regarding importing and be a bit time consuming installing them one by one, but it does work. Be advised that it wil install only extensions and not Chrome Apps since Opera is not currently designed to run Chrome webapps.
RE: Do you have 1Password as an add-on?Opera add-ons
If it's avaiable for chrome, you can add it to Opera using this extension: Install Chrome Extensions. Also I see that it requires a desktop/pc version as well, make sure you have the program installed on your machine. That could be another reason why Chrome opened when you tried to add it.
RE: Flash player does not work; can not be able.Opera for Windows
@burnout426 Yes!! It works!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I've got flash back!!
You should publish this in the extension store so those of us who can't get flash to work with the exceptions can get flash back.
RE: How can I uninstall last update of Opera, and go back to the previous one?Opera for Android
You can try places like Aptoide or Apkpure. They always have older versions of android apps. However, be warned that you will have to uninstall your current version of Opera inorder to install the older one. That means that all of your online pages and history will be lost, but your bookmarks, speed dial, and passwords will still be available when you login to sync. This is the only way to do it on Android. If you decide to do this, I would also suggest you turn off auto app updates for the Google store otherwise, you'll just be upgraded again.
RE: Customize Speed DialSuggestions and feature requests
@flamango It's a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome. You can install it from here Speed Dial FVD using this extension Install Chrome Extensions. Make sure you install the Install Chrome Extensions first or you won't be able to install FVD.
RE: Advanced Youtube to MP3 converterOpera add-ons
No longer working. Extension site & support site are down. Yet another great Youtube mp3 extension gone.
RE: Opera 51 does not remember last bookmark folderOpera for Windows
@leocg I'm thinking the same. I'm getting sick and tired of the devs making stupid changes like that when there has been no complaints or reason to change somethig that isn't broken. Opera just continues to suck with each and every new update.
RE: When attempting to add bookmark the bookmark folder is emptyOpera for Android
@anaristos Glad to help. I already had Opera set as default way before this happened so I'm guessing it's probably an issue an update since I've had no problems until recently.