@opera-security Thank you very much. That was a really pressing question for me. For me it‘s very important to be protected from security threats. I rely very heavily on Opera for its pleasant features. So it’s good to know that it’s safe on this side, too.

Best posts made by Leuchtfeuer812
RE: Security fixes and Chromium versionsLounge
RE: Nachrichten von Bild.de entfernenDeutsch
@pachuma Als börsennotiertes Unternehmen müssen sie quartalsweise Geschäftsberichte veröffentlichen. Wie sie Geld verdienen, ist daher im Vergleich zu anderen Browseranbietern durchaus transparent. Im Wesentlichen durch Suchen mit einer der vorinstallierten Suchmaschinen, mit Werbung und mit den Kacheln auf der Schnellwahl. Dann haben Sie noch Beteiligungen.
Mehr erfährst du unter investor.opera.com -
RE: Opera 111Blogs
@adam1709 And as always, how safe can we Opera users be when using an outdated Chromium version?
I don’t see any mentions of security fixes in the changelogs. Are we just to trust either in Opera or into good fate, that we don’t run into security holes? -
Security fixes and Chromium versionsLounge
Hello, this might be a question to @Opera-Security , if you were so kind to answer then.
But I wonder, as Chromium 126 just came out with security fixes and Opera 111 was released the other day with only Chromium 125.
How secure can we Opera users be that we're not left with unfixed security holes.
For me, it looks as if Opera was always some versions behind. But how does this affect the security of the browser?
I hope you can explain because this seems to be a general question, maybe by writing a blog post or so.
Thank you very much for caring. -
Deutscher Wikipedia-Eintrag irreführendDeutsch
Mir fiel beim Lesen auf, dass der deutsche Wikipedia-Eintrag über Opera fast nur die Presto-Version bis Version 12 behandelt. Der Wechsel auf Blink wird kurz abgehandelt. Über die neuen Versionen bis hin zu Aria ist fast gar nichts zu lesen.
Ich weiß nicht, ob jemand dieses Forum liest, der auch die Beiträge in Wikipedia bearbeitet, aber es wäre mal dringend nötig, die ganze Sache auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen.
Immerhin ist die Formulierung "chinesischer Webbrowser" jetzt umgewandelt worden in "proprietärer Webbrowser". Ein kleiner Fortschritt.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(Browser) -
RE: Opera Browser for iOS Beta - New DesignOpera Browser
@jonaballen I haven’t figured out how to have the search bar on the bottom using my iPad, Yes. And there are no recently used tabs from desktop on my home screen using Flow, even with that option enabled.
Singing the praises of OperaLounge
I've been using Opera for more than two years now, after having used it back in the day. Since then I've used Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi and now Opera again.
It's come a long way since then and it's quite different to what it once was.But I appreciate so much in their desktop app that I'm not gonna switch any time soon.
I like the design and rely heavily on features like Workspaces, PiP, Ad- and Trackingblocking, Sidebar, Screenshot-Tool, AI, Flow and quite a lot more.
Probably it's far from perfect but it does the job for me, even more so.
I like the sleek design of it's iOS-apps and I appreciate their adblocker especially.
I think the Android-app is very sophisticated, good-looking as well and also full of nice-to-have features.I'm sure, you're going strong in the future. Thank you for offering these great browsers.
RE: Deutscher Wikipedia-Eintrag irreführendDeutsch
@vectorglobe Vielen Dank für deine Hinweise! Mal sehen, ob ich dazu komme. Ich dachte, vielleicht ist ja jemand im Forum aktiv, der auch den Artikel der deutschen Wikipedia bearbeitet.
Es liest sich nämlich sehr nach "Ex-Operanern", bzw. Vivaldi-Nutzern, die vor allem der alten Version hinterhertrauern. -
RE: No Opera Sync Option on iOSOpera Browser
@david27 said in No Opera Sync Option on iOS:
@leuchtfeuer812 said in No Opera Sync Option on iOS:
@david27 Yes, hardly any on iOS, but some elements still. I don’t bother actually, it‘s what I expect from a browser for a phone.
I expect if I'm on my phone and suddenly need to access a webpage I saw weeks ago on PC, to be able to search my history for it and do it. I want to have all my favorites synced, instead of having to manually add everything on my phone. That's not too much to ask.
You should be happy to go to sync.opera.com in such a case.
RE: Security fixes and Chromium versionsLounge
Opera has been updated nearly two weeks ago. Since then to my knowledge two severe Chromium issues had to been addressed and they were in all major Chromium built browsers. I doubt they were fixed by Opera in advance, were they?
Even tiny Vivaldi seem to be quicker in fixing issues like that. I just Wonder.
Latest posts made by Leuchtfeuer812
- Blogs
RE: Enhanced address bar doesn't show favorite websitesOpera for Windows
Definitely the last post from my side about this matter. It's an issue caused by syncing options. So it may be related to a "My Flow" connection that didn't work or being logged out from your Opera account.
For me, logging in again didn't solve this problem though. But by accident I found a solution that has worked for me so far on different machines, either with Windows or Mac:
Just deinstall Opera and make sure you keep your personal browser data and not erase it! Then just reinstall Opera again. And by whatever way there you'll see the dissappeared favicons in the address bar again.
It's a workaround as it shouldn't happen at all. But so far this has brought it all back. Good luck with it!
RE: Security fixes and Chromium versionsLounge
Opera has been updated nearly two weeks ago. Since then to my knowledge two severe Chromium issues had to been addressed and they were in all major Chromium built browsers. I doubt they were fixed by Opera in advance, were they?
Even tiny Vivaldi seem to be quicker in fixing issues like that. I just Wonder. -
RE: Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsingBlogs
@macfly1987 Have you tried Vivaldi? It's mainly what Opera used to be. And it has all the synchronization options that are missing in Opera now.
RE: Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsingBlogs
@macfly1987 said in Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsing:
@leuchtfeuer812: I don't agree with you. After all, synchronization and Flow are two different functions. You can use them separately. If you don't want to, you don't have to use synchronization.
That's not quite true, actually. Flow doesn't only sync items in the Flow part but also recently opened websites and although I'm not quite sure some further elements. But it's not a full blown sync feature in the normal sense, I agree.
I think sync on iOS is the most wanted feature but for whatever reason they don't implement it. Heck, even Vivaldi offers it. So if you really rely on that you should consider switching to another browser, Safari maybe as you're an iOS user.
Only speaking for myself, I don't like sync in Firefox, Chrome or Vivaldi either. And Safari is ruled out by the fact that it's not available on Windows and Android.
RE: Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsingBlogs
@macfly1987 If you want that, there are certainly better options like Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi or Safari itself.
I prefer the way Opera on iOS syncs and that it keeps my homepage clean and uncluttered by bookmarks.
When you log into your Opera account and use the Flow feature you'll at least have some synchronization options.
And you can always go to sync.opera.com to see your data. -
RE: Introducing Opera One for iOS: a fresh take on mobile browsingBlogs
I realized that Aria stops answering right before the final words and it's stuck. I never noticed this on previous versions but seems to be a relatively new bug.
Aria on iOS stops in the middle of nowhereBugs
I‘ve run into different situations, where Aria in answering a prompt stops in the middle, rather keeps on hanging. Repeating the request doesn’t help either. So, what‘s the clue?
RE: News articled on DuckDuckGoOpera Browser
I have the add: It’s not related to Opera‘s adblocker. Disabling doesn’t change a thing.
News articled on DuckDuckGoOpera Browser
I use DuckDuckGo as my prefered search engine, on almost any device.
But only Opera on iOS gives me bad results, when I‘m looking up news on a certain search query.
Often I get aggregated news results from MSN in DuckDuckGo. That’s happen to be with every second or third result and it‘s typical for DDG.
But in Opera on iOS clicking on these links don’t get me to the particular news item, but to the MSN startpage.
That doesn’t happen with neither Opera on desktop nor on Android. It doesn’t even happen with any other browser. So normally I copy the link and paste it into Safari e.g. which then opens the expected news link on MSN.
Can anyone explain this behaviour?