This is still an issue, also in Opera GX. Damn, every time I find put about a cool feature and I decide to give Opera another chance, thinking this time it's for good, a major issue like this spoils the experience.
Yesterday, I was posting about how there's no way to keep Opera running in the background, to get notifications in Windows action center. Opera doesn't even give notifications when open!

Best posts made by david27
RE: No notifications from youtube.Opera for Windows
RE: Dark mode for the sidebar messengerOpera GX
I use the built-in "force dark page" of Opera GX and the messenger on the side bar is in Dark Mode.
Go on the website , right click and activate force dark page. - Opera GX
RE: No Opera Sync Option on iOSOpera Browser
@maxita Yeah it really blows the mind, how they keep adding so many new things, yet they never fix the basic ones, like the notifications and reading Sync on iOS.
RE: [Touch]Sync bookmarks and passwords etcSuggestions and feature requests
@GuillaumeD said in [Touch]Sync bookmarks and passwords etc:
same as @david27.
Actually, for those who have Opéra on PC/Apple and an android smartphone, the choices are on android :- Opera : for password sync but without Flow, and old technologie
- Opera Touch : new technologie, Flow, without password sync.
The main feature in 2020 for web browsing between smartphone and PC/Apple, is to sync password !
Without it, Opera Touch is useless.
GuillaumeExacly. When I'm on my phone I'm usually in a hurry, I don't have the time to be typing usernames and passwords, especially on touch keyboards which are so prone to error.
RE: GX corner not saving platform preferencesOpera GX
Since I reported the bug, many updates have come out but they never fixed this problem.
RE: Bitwarden - Free Password ManagerOpera add-ons
@shumsky said in Bitwarden - Free Password Manager:
@david27: how do I remove it from sidebar and pin it on top bar?
Side Bar: Right click on it -> hide
Top right corner: Extension's button (cube) -> mark it. -
[Touch]Sync bookmarks and passwords etcSuggestions and feature requests
There is no option to sync your stuff with your Opera account, to facilitate a lot your life... Which makes this great browser useless, you're just forced to use the regular Opera. Why? It's a real shame...
Portuguese spell checker is outdatedOpera GX
The Portuguese (Portugal, not Brasil) spell checking is outdated, it's not up to date with the spelling agreement that came into use in 2009, which brought a lot of changes. It's still using the old one and it's very annoying, when will it be updated?
RE: uBlock OriginOpera add-ons
@mesovortex said in uBlock Origin:
Does not work anymore on YT and Facebook, very sad!
Working just fine here.
Latest posts made by david27
Microsoft Teams unsupportedOpera GX
For a few months now, the web version of Office 365 TEAMS is not supported in Opera GX, it prompts you to use Edge, Chrome or Firefox.
Since Opera is a chromium browser, it should be supported, and it used to work fine months ago.
The personal version of Teams still works.
Is this an Opera issue or Microsoft? Would be great to see it fixed. -
RE: No Opera Sync Option on iOSOpera Browser
@leuchtfeuer812 said in No Opera Sync Option on iOS:
@david27 Yes, hardly any on iOS, but some elements still. I don’t bother actually, it‘s what I expect from a browser for a phone.
I expect if I'm on my phone and suddenly need to access a webpage I saw weeks ago on PC, to be able to search my history for it and do it. I want to have all my favorites synced, instead of having to manually add everything on my phone. That's not too much to ask.
RE: No Opera Sync Option on iOSOpera Browser
@leuchtfeuer812 It's a very incomplete sync, no matter what you know or learned.
RE: Crash when opening private sessionOpera GX
Updates keep being released and the problem persists. Maybe it's only on my PC? Anyone else having this problem?
Crash when opening private sessionOpera GX
Opera GX crashes every time I open the browser in private mode, unless I already have a normal window opened.
- Opera add-ons
- Opera add-ons
RE: Aria Opera GXOpera GX
@redcapshortcut said in Aria Opera GX:
@david27 I already used it at home. At work I'm still in the waiting list
Download latest version and enable Early Bird in the settings
Good to know! I'll wait.
- Opera GX
RE: Why is the audio weird in Opera GX?Opera GX
There must be something wrong with your settings. Opera sounds normal, same as Edge.