Opera 101.0.4836.0 developer update
indiqazzz last edited by
I know this is bug but seems like a feature to me
https://imgur.com/eyrGFjg -
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@burnout426, I have the same problem as @SiMcarD78. I can go to the extensions, switch to the developer mode and update, but I don't see any hint or indication. For a while the problem is gone then, but it comes back.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@simcard78 I noticed the same when I was checking the new Opera after few weeks to see if there are some improvements. Taking into account that I don't have any extensions installed (excepting the two built-in crypto and ad blocker extensions)
Also, the tab self resizing while dragging is still not fixed https://forums.opera.com/post/310132
*In overall, the new design looks annoying to me. The borders (modules 'bubbles') are everywhere (especially around web page content), the blue menu items both in light/dark theme and other things, which look borrowed from GX version irritate me and user experience is choppy for me.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@simcard78, yes, I think so. The message tells me "Upgrading the extension requires additional permissions", but it does not say which one. I have upgraded them all (in the developer mode) and also changed some extensions from the chrome store to extensions with the same name in the opera store (not every extension is available there). Then the message is gone, but after a while (when I reload a tab) it comes back.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by ralf-brinkmann
I've now tried around a bit and left the switch in the extensions on Developer. The error message has not reappeared since then.
Edit: Rejoiced too early: The error message just came back.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann User here said it was the new Aria extension that needed access to history.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@burnout426, yes, that seems to be the solution. I added this long part "--show-component-extension-options" to the shortcut (my start command becomes longer and longer) and now I could see the hidden extension ARIA (and some other hidden extensions), update it and give it the right to track all my past and future acitivities. I don't use ARIA - I don't use the sidebar - but there seems to be no way to disable it.
But this error notification is gone. -
Clarcky last edited by
This has been bugging me but the gap between main search bar and the extension (right most) is not consistent with any of the gaps between the side bar or even the tab island above.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
You all know that you can move the little icons for extensions at the top right next to the address bar and sort them yourself. I have to move such an icon 5 positions further to the left than I want before the gap appears at the desired position and I can let go and insert it there.
tspringer last edited by
@burnout426: Thank you. It worked for me.
It found some Aria extension from Opera that needed to be updated. I don't see that extension when running Opera normally. -
erebfraen last edited by
- Browser freezes when text is highlighted.
- A dialog window keeps popping up asking me to customize extensions even though they don't require customization
- the sidebar is sticking on top of the page when the browser is opened if the automatic sidebar scrolling is on and does not disappear unless the cursor is put on it
cristianhcd last edited by cristianhcd
@burnout426: @burnout426:
the problem was that aria was not updated, this way it was solvedthe route was
"C:\Users\YOUR-USER\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera developer\launcher.exe" --show-component-extension-options
Argarth last edited by
Great to see that you can once more just slide the cursor along the top of the screen and click to select a tab, and no longer have to aim at the tab itself. Nice QoL returned, and still retaining the modular look, really like it. Thanks.