Opera 93.0.4575.0 developer update
Opera Comments Bot last edited by
Hello there, this is Opera 93 developer update. The changelog points list of fixes and improvements .Happy Monday! Installation links: Opera developer for Windows (Using the Opera developer for Windows installer means you have accepted the Opera for Computers EULA) Opera developer for Windows (Portable version) Opera developer for macOS Opera developer for Linux – deb packages Opera…
Read full blog post: Opera 93.0.4575.0 developer update
beboss last edited by
On mac for some reason the side bar has a bug and hides when macOS bar is on the same side and I hover with the mouse.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@beboss Turns out it's a known issue and Opera is working on it. Thanks.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
CTRL-W should close a tab.
When I do this, the tab's content snaps back to the beginning (for a tab with more than one screen pages, or it restarts a video in Youtube) instead of closing the tab. The tab is only closed if I press CTRL-W again.
W10x64, Operax64 -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@ralf-brinkmann Seems to be working here, every time I tried it closed the tab.
ralf-brinkmann last edited by
@leocg, I noticed it on several sites within the two days, but not all. At first I thought I hadn't pressed the keys correctly, but when it happened a few more times I realized that it must be a mistake. Last time it was on a youtube video, I was watching a movie and then, as is usual, youtube would skip to the next movie. But I didn't want to see it and pressed CTRL-W. Then the page jumped back to the previous movie instead of closing. But I will now pay more attention to what kind of pages this happens to.
andrew84 last edited by
Pinned History/Bookmarks panel looks incorrectly if it was pinned using the auto-show sidebar.
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
New update - 93.0.4582.0
(no builds for Linux at the moment) -