Syncing workspaces tabs
flysimoo last edited by
Hello everybody,
In Fact I had to use an alternate tricky option to sync my opened tabs per workspace as you wish. So, how and why did I land on this topic? simply because I was searching like you all for a logical way to do this synchronizing without hassle!
The solution is:Recently after opera added the pinboard feature you'll be able to share your tabs easily to anyone... So why don't use this feature locally with yourself and convert it from "Share" to "Export"!!How? go to the pinboard page and create a new pinboard and name it as you like.. for example name as "For Export" or name it as your workspace name exactly... then head to your existing workspace and pinboard every single tab to the created one which is "For Export''.After you finish copy the link of the pinboard or sharing it with yourself via Messenger, email draft, Clipboard whatever and open it in your other device Opera browser... you find inside it all the grouped tabs that you want and then add them to the local workspace on that device!.
I know it is a little bit long solution, especially when you have more than 10 tabs opened together! but at least it works 100% and -
sensory7 last edited by
@leocg said in Syncing workspaces tabs:
@Shekala You can type opera://activity in address bar to see opened tabs from other devices.
alojz last edited by
Just here to add one more insignificant voice on this. Please make automatically syncing tabs a thing (like everyone here is begging for). Opera is currently the best browser for work on many fronts and I don't want to switch to another browser for what seems to be a relatively simple thing to do (apparently Edge can do it just fine), just because of a design decision which makes no sense.
cirenjules last edited by
There is a one-off Solution for this as outlined in this Post by flysimoo. Whilst the process is the same/similar, perhaps with a later Release of Opera it's a bit easier and quicker, especially if you've many Pinned Tabs in a Workspace. Here's what I did: 1) On your 'From' old system, create Pinboards which reflect the Workspace Name then Add the relevant Pinned Tabs to them 2) On your 'To' new system, make sure you're Logged-on to Opera; you'll see that these Pinboards have properly Sync'd (assuming you've got Sync Configured obv.) then 3) on the 'To' new system, there's a menu option behind the Pinboard 3-dots which allow your to see >>all the Tabs split by Pinboard<< with individual and Pinboard 'tick-boxes'. This makes it very quick to pick a Pinboard and copy all the Tabs to the 'To' new system Workspace of the same name
You do then need to 're-pin' these if you like but again you can select them all then 'pin'.
Florent14 last edited by
+1 for workspaces / tab syncin accross devices.
Plus, while we’re at it, could it be possible to manage opened tabs from a device from another device as well?!
Let me give you my use case:
- I have a bit more than 400 tabs opened on my phone (yeah, I know…)
- I tend to read them on one of my pc, either Work or Home
- It would make my life So Much Easier (!!!) if I could close the phone tabs I read on my pc from my pc !
Because going through all my tabs on the phone and closing those I read on my pc is a bit annoying
Also, cherry on the cake, could we have an option to filter out these tabs in the "Tabs"? Like by Most recent for example…
Because Opera IS the best browser there is but this tab management/synchronisation is a bit IE6-like for now
xanaddams last edited by
I am using the pinboard Idea brought up to move tabs around for redoing a computer and it works well enough. For those wanting to open stuff in your computer from your cellphone, that's what flow is for, just send it to flow and then close it. If you have sync activated, you'll see all those tabs you wanted to open sitting right there. I too wish there was a way to sync workspaces specifically instead of using this pinboard go around, but, it works for now.
Prongs1 last edited by
Why is this still an issue that hasn't been addressed given Opera GX's focus on "gamer-friendly design"? Most dedicated gamers, even most at home workers, have more than one monitor. I only utilized workspaces because I believed I could easily call my groups together across multiple instances (I have one running for Browsing and one for Media across my three monitors), and the lack of sync is frankly absurd to me. This feature being natively included would make Opera an easy recommendation, but this has genuinely turned me off and I will begin searching for a new browser that can support genuine efficiency and multi-tasking. Does anyone have a fix to this that isn't the equivalent of creating a Google Doc of links (to hell with Pinboards) and sharing it to yourself? Am truly desperate.
cabusopera last edited by
@pixelpaule To date, it is the same. It does not synchronize workspaces tabs, extensions, shortcuts, search engines, tabs of other devices (hidden), and so on.
Opera is one of the best Chromium out there, but its sync engine is a real garbage and the main reason I’m going back to Brave. -
cabusopera last edited by
@supremetele Edge Browser was my answer to that and many other shortcomings. Opera synchronization is one of the worst.
cirenjules last edited by
I agree with both your Comments. Opera's implementation of Tab Groups is very poor to put it politely. I couldn't wait any longer and have moved to Chrome; where Google's Tab Groups are what's expected; each Group has a Name, Colour and option to Sync (which reliably works too!!) Whilst Opera is no longer my default browser, I do have a Chrome Tab Group for accessing my many Opera Pinboards
My view is that the Opera Devs have lost their way.
cirenjules last edited by
@prongs1 See my reply; move to Chrome and create a Tab Group for Pinboards?