Unwanted speed dial entries - again
agdam last edited by agdam Aug 22, 2018, 5:42 AM Aug 22, 2018, 5:42 AM
Ads in speed dial is okay when they are only appear after update, but i cannot delete some dials, they re-appear after sometime...reset will help ?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by Aug 22, 2018, 6:12 AM
After you delete them, go to Bookmarks and make sure you empty the trash. Sync has been known to restore deleted items if you haven't emptied them from the trash,
A Former User last edited by Aug 22, 2018, 5:39 PM
Opened an Opera (54.0, Mac) Speed Dial page just now to find newly added shortcuts to Target and a travel site mixed into the middle of my usual bookmarks. They didn't show up as "Suggestions" (which are turned off) - they were just tucked away in the mix of my thumbnails.
I haven't visited Target's website in years, and hadn't shopped there for months until this past weekend - now suddenly it shows up as a "suggestion"? Creepy.
I used the travel site a month ago, in Private Browsing mode w/VPN. Why would it suddenly show up on my Speed Dial?
I certainly didn't add either shortcut, and I have "Show Speed Dial Suggestions" turned off in both "Easy Setup" and "Preferences." I have plenty of other "bookmarks", but these aren't among them.
So what the hell!?!?
What else can I expect might randomly appear w/o warning or consent?
This has apparently been a recurring problem for years.
Do you really want to dick around w/the tiny market share of users you still have? Those who already left Chrome, FF & IE for pulling this kind of crap? -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by Aug 22, 2018, 6:51 PM
Opera will add new speed dials from partners from time to time - I just got speed dials from Target and Groupon (an online coupon site). If you don't want them, delete them (and don't forget to go to Bookmarks and empty them from the Trash) and forget about them.
A Former User last edited by Aug 22, 2018, 11:06 PM
you may want to note that, probably from (stable) Opera version 56, it should be possible to prevent these unwanted additions.
slytheringirl last edited by Aug 23, 2018, 2:51 AM
@deestonic I quite agree. Opera has gone down the sewer drain with all the problems I've been having with it 1)Sync working only when it feels like, 2) Connecting pages slowly or not at all due to Windows 10 Creators Update and now 3) Sync screwing flash up to a point where I need an addon to have flash working even though it is installed and should work.
A Former User last edited by Aug 23, 2018, 1:12 PM
I notice every time that Opera for Mac updates, I get the default speed dial links (as if installing for the first time) inserted into my existing (and detailed) speed dial.
Could we please stop that?
graywoulf last edited by Aug 28, 2018, 10:13 PM
I just experienced having quite a few unsolicited speed dials added to my browser from retailers like Target, Booking.com, and Groupons as well as an eBay speed dial just suddenly appear. How could this happen and is there a way to stop this from happening in the future? Thanks for any help with this.
A Former User last edited by Aug 30, 2018, 9:27 PM
Why are new tabs being added to my home page without my consent? I know all I have to do is delete them,but thats not the point...If I wanted them there I will put them there so will you people who cause this make it go away please and thank you
A Former User last edited by Sep 5, 2018, 8:47 AM
Every other time I upgrade Opera, the upgrade adds bookmarks to the SpeedDial page without asking.
I personally find this behaviour very intrusive.
Please refrain from doing that.
This applies to Opera on all platforms, BTW.