How to disable extremely irritating CTRL + wheel zooming
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Under Settings > Browser > Shortcuts, you might try disabling one or both of the "gesture" settings. Mind you, in old versions of Opera it wouldn't help, so no guarantee it will in current versions - but that's all I can suggest. (Properly, "mouse gestures" are right button drag actions, while "rocker gestures" involve quickly pressing one button then another, and hence neither actually covers the scroll+modifier key case; but that is the best I can suggest.)
krischik last edited by
@sgunhouse Well I did that but it still does that zooms on mouse gestures. In my case on double click. It's a real pain.
A Former User last edited by
any updates on this?
other users also report here:
and here: -
kikonen last edited by leocg
Rather irritating that this blatant bug is not getting fixed. Behaviour is really irritating. It certainly does not help that Opera's employees are trying to disregard problem as "system problem", while it's not.
Please, please, just add configuration option to allow turning this off.
neoplasmax last edited by
how about an about:config, like in FF.. This was extremely useful when configuring for specifics.. There are other reasons I don't use FF... This was one of their strong points.. Too bad Opera as long as it's been around hasn't integrated such a good idea in configuration into their own yet..
jarnos last edited by
If you use X, you could use block-scroll-mod-x11 to prevent unintended zooming system-wide.
Browser only solution would be Disable Scroll Wheel Zoom Chrome extension. I suppose you could use Install Chrome Extensions extension to use the Chrome extension in Opera. You might need to modify the extension, if your browser uses other key than Ctrl for zooming, see here.
kikonen last edited by kikonen
@jarnos Actually I just realized plugin what I had earlier tried was likely "No Mouse Wheel Zoom", thus older plugin doing same thing. Need to give change for this new plugin to see how it works.
And yes, sometimes this one also hits same race conditions.
- Start scrolling page with wheel (our touchpad)
- Change page with CTRL + TAB
=> sometimes random zooming is hit, amount depends how fast page was scrolling at step (1)
jarnos last edited by
It helps if you have a way to monitor scrolling events and a way to disable the problematic pointer device temporarily. I do not know how you do it in Windows and macOS. Even in Wayland it seems to be impossible to disable only a pointer device, if the device is pointer & keyboard combo. But in X11 it can be handled well.
javierismo last edited by
Guys i found the solution, this addon works for me use Opera on Mac Big Sur
75338a last edited by 75338a
Any updates on being able to disable this in Opera settings, or is there an official feature request to make that happen somewhere?
@kikonen It's not a bug. You can request a way to disable the shortcut in the proper forum.
Anyone have a link to that for a casual user here?