Opera disabling extensions on its own is annoying...
treego last edited by 17 Feb 2018, 07:08
It has happened to me once ... I have no idea what triggered it. I have Windows 7, 32-bit.
acidinmyfridge last edited by acidinmyfridge 17 Feb 2018, 08:31 17 Feb 2018, 08:26
@andreivas maybe give Vivaldi a try instead? I love it. It has all the goodies we want in Opera. Well almost, but they're getting there. It's highly customizable.
Very frequent updates, active community, Take a look, maybe you'll like it.Sorry to hear, that annoying issue keeps continuing to happen to you
You think you know, but you have no idea.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by 17 Feb 2018, 08:37
Happened to me once recently. Didn't have any extensions before I got the notification and when I went into opera://extensions, I still didn't have any extensions (not under "disabled" or anywhere). So, I don't know what triggered the notification. There wasn't anything trying to sneak an extension into Opera, so I assumed it was just Opera being goofy/buggy.
oglena last edited by 1 Mar 2018, 09:10
I had faced this annoyig problem bu after update to Opera 51.0.2830.40 it fixed
randymartin last edited by 2 Mar 2018, 16:57
@oglena I have 51.0.2830.40 and it STILL disables them. I only have two extensions and one is Sticky Password and I can't auto log in to Opera to do this complaint, I have enable the extensions, log in, and then refind where this forum is. It doesn't automatically go back after the log in. But what gives with the disabling? I wonder if it's because I have FireFox also open? Or is it connected to the synchronization? Seems that it's a common enough problem they should be working on it. I may try Vivaldi. Firefox won't recognize ameritech.net emails sometimes and it sends me to AT&T log in which I have for home system but that's NOT my email and it wants me to change to AT&T.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 2 Mar 2018, 22:01
@randymartin It's probably related to the fact that you are using at least one extension not published on Opera's add-ons page.
Chrome doesn't allow extensions that are not on its webstore, maybe Opera is following the same path? -
A Former User last edited by 3 Mar 2018, 10:31
@leocg I've had that problem only when I've uninstalled an extension from the chrome store
randymartin last edited by 5 Mar 2018, 12:55
@leocg Good thought. Consider this. On my laptop, I have only 2 extensions: Stick Password and TinEye. SP has a supported browser choice dropdown and Opera is an option. Opera does not list SP. TE does not have supported browser drop down but it does have an add-on extension. My laptop ALWAYS (for the last several weeks) needs to have those extensions enabled. I get the message that a new extension has been added and is unknown and all the extensions are shut down.
My Desktop has the same 2 extension plus 5 others. It NEVER gets that warning and I NEVER have to enable my extensions.
Your thoughts?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 5 Mar 2018, 16:14
@randymartin A little research I've done revealed that Chrome seems to do not allow extensions not listed on the add-ons store. I'm not sure about Opera's policy on the matter but I suppose it should be similar.
So I would guess that those non-listed extensions may be cause of the problem.
rejzor last edited by 5 Mar 2018, 17:43
@leocg I'm only using addons from Opera addons page and I was experiencing this problem.as well.
randymartin last edited by 6 Mar 2018, 13:26
@leocg Sounds right except that one computer works and one does not. Same Opera, Same extensions. BTW, I do NOT use Chrome at all.
randymartin last edited by 6 Mar 2018, 13:56
@randymartin And isn't reasonable for one to be able to FIND Opera's policy on these matters? I like Opera but their inter-personal support is non-existent.
rejzor last edited by 6 Mar 2018, 13:58
They should work like avast!. They have developers regularly floating around forums checking info, feedback, suggestions and ideas and it works superbly. A lot of things can be spotted early this way.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by leocg 6 Mar 2018, 16:52 6 Mar 2018, 16:52
@rejzor Avast is paid or, at least, has a paid version, so they can afford the costs of doing it.
Anyway, this topic was already addressed.
A Former User last edited by 7 Mar 2018, 14:43
I have been experiencing this problem the last three days - since I updated to the newer version of Opera. I am a very long time user of Opera and never had this problem before. I have only the following four extensions installed:
Sticky Password
Bookmarks Import & Export
Popup Blocker (lite)All four are disabled by Opera with the message in red as indicated above. I have to Enable each one daily.
I hope there is a fix soon for this problem.
A Former User last edited by 7 Mar 2018, 20:59
I get it too. so bloody annoying, I only have one extension ffs
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by 8 Mar 2018, 02:01
Opera's response just in case you haven't seen it: https://forums.opera.com/post/141473.