[Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@burnout426 said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
I kind of have a feeling that the Opera devs don't know about this one, but not sure.
I filed DNA-113080 for this to make sure.
Lamethrower last edited by
Same problem here, very frustrating. When I mouse over the tab there is often no x to close.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@andrew84 I filed DNA-113261 for the separate but related blue line under the tabs missing in certain cases. Probably way less of a priority though.
Nippen last edited by
when will be this issue resolved? it is very annoying to not have X cloce in tabs...
tonylolkek last edited by
Hello, this bug persists for a year. Could you please fix it? Make those X to be permanent. It is insane
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@tonylolkek Is there an easy way to reproduce it? The issue doesn't seem to happen here.
donq last edited by leocg
@leocg said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
@tonylolkek Is there an easy way to reproduce it? The issue doesn't seem to happen here.
It happens here every second time - but I can't give 100% reproduceable example. How it often happens:
I've got maybe 60 tabs open, all they show just icons.
I click ⊕ to open new tab, enter some letter (like y) into address bar, select any of last viewed pages.
I shift mouse to opened tab icon - often it does not show close icon. Shifting mouse cursor left to another tab and back usually makes cross to appear. Shifting mouse cursor right to new page icon and back sometimes makes cross to disappear.For less tabs (10-20) this happens too, but less often
tonylolkek last edited by tonylolkek
It happens with 3-10 tabs for me aswell quite often, i don't know how to reproduce, but i have some youtube video and twitch playing on background. It feels like it does not appear 20%+ of times i try to mouseover.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
I was able to reproduce the X not showing like this so far. Here's a video. At first I'm just trying to get enough tabs open to even start to try and reproduce it. Very dependent on timing where you have to mouse over the tab before its mouseover listener is activated.
Not shown in the video, but mousing out of the tab and back in makes the X show.
Now, as for the other way of pressing y in the address field after clicking the plus button, there was one instance where when the X didn't show, mousing out of the tab and back over still wasn't showing the X. But, having trouble reproducing that again to get it on video.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@burnout426 I filed DNA-117675 for this and attached the videos I have and mentioned this forum post. No guarantees or anything, but hopefully a dev will be able to reproduce things and fix it.
tonylolkek last edited by
@burnout426 No, it is different case. In your case X appears after several second and moving mouse inside the bugged tab. In mine - X never reappear untill i move the mouse outside the tab. Best method to reproduce it - open 5 tabs, open and start youtube video any twitch video - and try to move mouse from bottom to any of top tab several times.
andrew84 last edited by
@burnout426 said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
Very dependent on timing
I managed to reproduce the bug (not quite easy).
@burnout426 said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
Like this?
Also managed to reproduce the bug (very hard I should say).
But taking into account that the x button appears after hovering the tab again, it will be very low priority bug.
donq last edited by
@andrew84 said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
But taking into account that the x button appears after hovering the tab again, it will be very low priority bug.
For me this is greatly disturbing - in my case browsing includes quite a lot tabs opening and subsequent closing; thereby (for me) it would be not so low priority. Sure I can't vouch for others.
tonylolkek last edited by leocg
@burnout426 Yes like that video. But my cursor does not "leave" the tab like on your video.
@andrew84 said in [Duplicated]Close tab (X) button does not appearing:
reproduce the bug (not quite easy).
I don't know why it is not easy for some to reproduce, but i literally open 5 tabs and then i can reproduce the bug 4 times in just 30 seconds by just hovering up and down. Insanely annoying. Why can't we have a checkmark to have permanent x for those who suffer from it?
Sites were: 1) twitch playing video, 2) youtube main page (nothing played), 3&4) 2x opera forum tabs, 5) discord.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@tonylolkek I have six tabs opened at the moment and I can see the X button on all of them if I put the mouse over the tab.