General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic
canadagoose4everreturns last edited by
@habsfan In spite of my being a Leafs fan, I'll still give you an upvote since I share your view of Opera One. You've been with Opera two years longer than I (I began in 2000) and came from Netscape as well (I could no longer stand Netscape 6, if memory serves). Unlike you, however, I've removed Opera One since I received the information that there would be no reverting to the older UI and that updates to the older version would only continue temporarily. Not sure what else to tell you since I'm in the same quandary although unlike you, I've reverted to Firefox rather than Edge.
Vasevase last edited by
Hello. Tell me why you added a border between the scrollbar and the edge of the screen. It became impossible to sharply move the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen to click on the scroll bar. Also, by quickly moving the mouse cursor to the upper left corner, it is impossible to click on the Menu. Is there any rational explanation for this innovation?
A Former User last edited by A Former User
For me, Opera has always felt like a small startup from my hometown Oslo.
Since the times with Jon Tetzchner, I’ve given them some slack compared to the large operators such as Google and Microsoft.
But for the company to make such user-unfriendly design choices in 2023 is inexcusable.
Are they a fashion- and marketing company or a producer of software?
Opera has 600 employees. What do they all do?
andrew84 last edited by
@habsfan said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
The new One looks a little childish in style, colours and as I said before stuff just seems to be all over the place
Maybe now the GX and regular Opera version will be supported by the same team (because of staff reducing or smth. similar), that's why the two browsers look similar (including splash screen and the forced dark theme on their promotional videos and screenshot). Just an assumption.
I'll stay on pre-One version.
Similar situation was after the Reborn3 presentation. There were also a lot visual bugs and weird effects implementations. But that time I didn't give up because most of the visual issues were just bugs. I also was staying on old version but quite actively checking developer version and posting suggestions and bugs.
The reborn3 was polished finally and well looking in recent years and I was happy with it (my only complain was that the OMenu/context menus/dropdowns were still old looking with their white high contrast items in dark mode).
But now I have to give up because the visual changes are not for me and these are not simply bugs but intentional(and hyped) changes.
I have no wish to check bugs or making suggestion if I'm not going to use the One version. At the same time it's pretty pointless if they already made a choice towards the bubble design and the purple accents.I won't count the multiple ridiculous design changes, there's enough feedback already regarding this. It'll take some time to understand if Opera team will take into account the feedback or not.
I have a little hope that they'll will remove the content border at least. -
dwk102 last edited by
I left Opera installed but moved to Firefox as my main browser... I dislike almost everything about this update and until we have an option to go back to use the previous appearance/skin/layout, I don't see myself coming back. Not only that, the islands feature is especially annoying since you can't customize the name or color.
It's sad too because I've loved Opera for decades
A Former User last edited by
It's maybe crazy, but am I the only one that outright likes the new design?
I used Edge for a whole day yesterday, but I'm so glad that I'm back with Opera. In contrast to Edge everything's feels at the right place. No clutter, no bloat. Even when Edge can claim some functionality that Opera has, it seems to simply added without any plan.
The sidebar is simply on the wrong side. The startpage is so full with stuff nobody needs, and it really lacks a speed dial.
In contrast to Opera the design looks so old-fashioned and boring. The setting page is so ugly and cluttered. Especially there, nothing feels right. Quite contrary to Opera.
If you want sync you have to register and log in to a Microsoft account. How easy is it so set up an Opera account in contrast.
Bing AI didn't give me an answer nearly as convincing as Aria to my questions.The only alternatives to Opera that I find appealing at the moment are Vivaldi and Firefox. But they have issues of their own.
I wouldn't say that Opera's design isn't without flaws, actually. But for me it's especially after having a look at Edge the best blend of features, simpleness and performance. I liked the old design though but the new one really stands out IMHO.
andrew84 last edited by
@himmelsheriff said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
In contrast to Edge everything's feels at the right place. No clutter
According to feedback on this forum there is significant negative regarding the new design.
And for me the 'One' version now looks cluttered to me comparing to other browsers.
When I look at these 3 levels of 'bubbles' (tab strip + address bar + bookmarks bar) in light theme I can't simply understand why it should look like more modern design. What advantages I get from these separate bordered modules? And the content border below just knocks me out.
Another one irritating factor for me is the purple highlighting items in menu. I mostly use the light theme. Previously the 'stroboscopic' effect was only in dark theme with the bright white items, now the bright purple is in both light and dark theme. You really think the most of the companies are just retarded, use light gray accents instead of the bright ones and Opera did revolution in design? The bright one is looking good for gaming interface, but browser is not an gaming interface. And additionally there's GX version with such interface. -
A Former User last edited by
@andrew84 I think it's like always: Those who are content with the new design don't see the need to comment here, obviously. So I wanted to give them a voice (and was already downvoted for that - people don't stand other people's convictions nowadays).
I rather see myself using the dark theme, actually. And it's quite nice in my eyes - not so much different from the "old" one. I've never used GX so I only know screenshots. But that looks quite weird but it's rather like the old one, doesn't it? Only the colors are different.
I get your point with the light theme in some way. Why do they color the sidebar and the adressbar white instead with a nuanced but lighter grey, in order not to have such a great contrast to the blueish grey tabs and other elements. They have done it more smoothly with the dark design where the contrast isn't nearly as stark as in the light one.
I don't see purple anyways. For me the accents and highlights are blue really. And I don't matter with that, because I like blue and it contrasts perfectly to the black and the white of both themes respectively. (But it may be a matter of eyesight, as I got new lenses lately).To sum it up. among all the browsers I'm feeling most at home when using Opera - that hasn't changed with the new design. I've used Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave and Edge lately. But they all haven't given me the kind of familiarity that I have with Opera at now. But of course that may change.
andrew84 last edited by
Edge has more compact top now comparing to 'One' version.
At the same time buttons and tabs are bigger/clear in Edge, in 'One' version it's the wasted space.
I also noticed that Edge Canary offers option to try new style (I assume its chromium 2023 refresh). When I enable the toggle, the ugly content border appears also in Edge. -
A Former User last edited by
@andrew84 I don‘t think the new design is revolutionary.. But if a new design is only a copy of other vendor‘s, it might not stand out.
I think, they’re purposely done that to differentiate themselves. And that’s ok, I think. -
andrew84 last edited by
As for the items highlighting.. I'll write the same I wrote many times when the dark theme was yet implemented.
In sidebar panels for History and Bookmarks I see the nice and pleasant to eyes looking highlighted items. In light mode Opera's inherent light blue and in dark theme dark navy colors. Why the purple in other places and the same color in both dark/light theme?
andrew84 last edited by
@himmelsheriff said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
GX so I only know screenshots. But that looks quite weird but it's rather like the old one, doesn't it?
I don't know how the GX looks now.
I installed it once when it was presented and launched few times later, disliked and then deleted completely. I remember it's all dark with the bright controls and buttons (similarly to gaming interfaces and gaming peripherals).
Now the One version looks similar to GX.I'm fan of calm tones.
I see for example them on youtube page dark mode, I see that developers took care of users to make it pleasant to eyes in dark environment.I'm also fan of unified colors and color themes/styles. If they implement significant UI changes, then all needs to be reworked. Now we have the bright purple( or blue, violet) here, calm and different tones for dark/light mode there in the sidebar panels, and still the old light blue color in settings. So 3 different color schemes in similar places.
stolis last edited by
@himmelsheriff It's very simple. They were just enjoying opera as it was and now, with this messed up "upgrade" everybody got crazy.
A Former User last edited by
@stolis I don't actually, at least not the way you think, I'm afraid. Maybe it's a matter of mentality. I appreciate new design and look generally, others may like old and trusted one better. None is better than the other. But the new design definitely keeps me with Opera.
stolis last edited by
@vegelund After this, I would just say they're playing around and completely stopped paying any attention on their users.
A Former User last edited by
@andrew84 said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
Edge has more compact top now comparing to 'One' version.
At the same time buttons and tabs are bigger/clear in Edge, in 'One' version it's the wasted space.
I also noticed that Edge Canary offers option to try new style (I assume its chromium 2023 refresh). When I enable the toggle, the ugly content border appears also in Edge.In my usage I found Edge looking dated, actually. And I felt overwhelmed with all the buttons and icons that mostly are meant to urge users into Microsoft services.
But I have to admit, that I normally avoid anything Microsoft, even rather using Google for anything.
Anyway, what you tell about rounded borders may suggest, that Opera even is ahead of the pack with its new design. I feel it's a breathe of fresh air, but not so much that it's so different from how it used to be.
So maybe people who don't the new look might consider using Vivaldi which can be customized so much that it resembles pre 100 Opera. That's the most natural alternative I'd say. -
HabsFan last edited by leocg
@himmelsheriff ...I cant speak on the AI as I won't use either of them...Opera is more complicated to setup an account that Edge, Edge does have Speed Dial with an extension...yes it's a small extra step, but the extension is far superior to Opera's native Speed Dial allowing for multiple custom SD layouts that can be switched back and forth (for example I have a Work and Personal Speed Dials) with a simple button click (a drop down list from the SD home page...the SD was a feature that kept me on Opera One despite my distaste for it, but once I found the extension I was gone from Opera...the look of Edge (and used to be Opera as well) is more professional and clean...One looks more like it belongs on some custom built kids themed PC with all the goofy colours and rounded shapes...and since it's such a drastic change from the version prior, it's just plain irritating to use as everything that you got used to over many versions has to be figured out all over again...nah this is a big miss for me...they could have least put in a 'Classi Mode' button that let you have the features...but keep the look/layout of what you're used to.
A Former User last edited by
@habsfan said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
Opera is more complicated to setup an account that Edge, Edge does have Speed Dial with an extension...
Yes, really? I've made a totally different experience. Unless you already have an existing account, there's a lot to do with Microsoft. And you don't log into a account for only synchronizing but for their whole stuff. I absolutely avoid Microsoft if only possible, even prefering Google by a wide margin. Especially as it's one of the most anti-competitive companies in tech.
But if you don't like Opera's speed dial and prefer the Edge one with extension why bother with Opera anyway? Why not just use Edge instead of registering for Opera (which you find so difficult) only to tell people that you think Edge is superior? I don't geht that really.
HabsFan last edited by
@canadagoose4everreturns, I'll give you a nod for that opening line...and an up vote as well as you sound like one of the sane Leaf fans
...I will note one thing with Edge that was keeping me from it was the lack of a Speed Dial, but after a quick search in the 'Extensions' I found one that was even better than the native feature in Opera. I use my laptop at home as well as work, and the SD extension allows for (with a quick selection from a drop down menu on the SD home page) to select from different SD's. So I have a Work Speed Dial, and a personal Speed I just imported the bookmarks from a personal PC and one from my work laptop and now I have a quick to one of each. This is nice so you done have one huge SD listing like I used to have in Opera. There may have been a way to do this in Opera, but if so, it wasn't this slick. I don't recall the extension, but it had threw purple/blueish lines as an icon I believe.