@cdelsol Agreed. There should be an opt-in or opt-out button so that those who want to upgrade to Opera One have that option and those who would rather remain with the older version are allowed to do so.

Best posts made by canadagoose4everreturns
RE: Please return the old Opera looksSuggestions and feature requests
RE: Opera One alternativesLounge
@saeedp Sadly, as I see it now, you have two reasonable alternatives: Vivaldi and Brave. I've opted for Brave at this point.
RE: Aria results are biased leftLounge
@davidf44 Agreed. Resolution: just don't use it. When I do go to Bing (which is seldom), I never use the Chat GPT AI. I stick with reliable search engines (DuckDuckGo, Brave, Ecosia, Start Page...).
RE: Why are people so emotional about browsers?Lounge
@lord-of-the-lost I doubt many people are "keen to find out what is bad about the browsers they're not using." There are always going to be some people in forums that are fanboys of certain browsers and will rag on others for whatever reason but you have to bear in mind that most people never join forums and don't care one way or the other. Use whatever browser you want and leave it at that. There is no riddle waiting to be solved and there is no mystery here. Most people just don't care - period. I'm one of those, albeit I've been with Opera for so many years that I still enjoy reading the forum news and comments and yet I no longer use Opera as my daily browser. I cannot think of a single person in my extended family (both sides) that makes an issue about the browser he/she uses and they range from Google Chrome to MS Edge and over to Safari. Most of them don't even care about privacy (with one exception). You're projecting when you imply that large numbers of people care about their browsers - they don't.
RE: Do We Have to Install Opera OneOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Wow! I would never in a thousand years have been able to figure out what you just printed. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort. I hope it will be helpful to others as well.
RE: General Opera One Appearance Feedback TopicAppearance
@habsfan said in General Opera One Appearance Feedback Topic:
they could have least put in a 'Classi Mode' button that let you have the features...but keep the look/layout of what you're used to.
Now here is a suggestion I can get solidly behind. Why not provide an easy way to either opt out or revert to the former UI? This would have kept everyone happy. BTW: there was a time I was also a Habsfan but that was back in the days of Yvon Cournoyer, Guy Lapointe, Serge Savard, Pete Mahovlich and of course Guy Lafleur. I miss that team and the matches with my Leafs. Since moving south of the border, I haven't kept up much. Take care.
RE: Opera One not ready for prime time.General
"Don't wait for the fat lady to sing. This Opera is slim and trim."Loved the article, Len. You had vision!
RE: Rollback to Earlier VersionOpera for Windows
@joefonebone Burnout gave a detailed account of how to revert. I don't know how to link to it so if you search you'll find it in his response to my question. The problem is, reverting will only be a temporary fix since we've been informed that Opera intends to push forward with Opera One and that the older version will only receive updates for a limited time.
RE: General Opera One Appearance Feedback TopicAppearance
@habsfan In spite of my being a Leafs fan, I'll still give you an upvote since I share your view of Opera One. You've been with Opera two years longer than I (I began in 2000) and came from Netscape as well (I could no longer stand Netscape 6, if memory serves). Unlike you, however, I've removed Opera One since I received the information that there would be no reverting to the older UI and that updates to the older version would only continue temporarily. Not sure what else to tell you since I'm in the same quandary although unlike you, I've reverted to Firefox rather than Edge.
RE: General Opera One Feedback TopicGeneral
@t-bone-tone Although my profile doesn't indicate it, I've been with Opera since 2000... back in the pay for the browser days either through ads or without. Switching from Presto to Blink and seeing the migration of engineers away from Opera and losing the MyOpera community was a shock but some of us managed to hang in there. I'm also disappointed with the current direction and frankly, I just am not sure to stick with it.
Latest posts made by canadagoose4everreturns
RE: Bitwarden - Free Password ManagerOpera add-ons
@ycomp I'm in agreement, particularly from Laporte's insistent mention of politics whenever he sees an opportunity. TWIT is nothing like it once was; a shadow really of its former self.
RE: Why are people so emotional about browsers?Lounge
@canadagoose4everreturns I must be really bored but for what it's worth (not much, I suppose), let me expand before a certain somebody taps me to accompany her to the store(s). I'll use a few examples: shavers, toothbrushes and news channels. I have a bunch of electric shavers (two Norelcos, two Brauns and a Panasonic). Why so many? Well, some claim that they each cut a little differently and therefore you need to find the one that best adapts to your facial hair. Is this true? I don't really know or care that much. I have five shavers because I like shavers and I use them indiscriminately as the spirit moves me in the morning. Ha! But I'm on a shavers forum where men DO become quite emotional over their particular shaver brand to which they are loyal. Strange. I have two electric toothbrushes (Oral b io and a Sonicare) and the same can be said for those... loyal followers some of whom go on YT and diss the other brand for some strange reason. Does one actually clean better than the other? I don't know... I sort of doubt it. Why have two? I like them so I use one in the a.m. and one in the p.m. but in truth, I've no idea if one does a better job. Stick with me. News channels and/or podcasts is a bit more difficult given the undisputed fact that almost all news these days (and perhaps always) is little more than shilling for a particular ideological point of view and/or party. So... I navigate towards the news that meets my preconceived ideas of truth (and that is a tall order and one my dear wife often questions). So... what is truth? This is a question as old as the Bible (asked by a notorious governor long ago of a certain Someone who would change history forever). Indeed... in all of these examples (including the best browsers etc etc)... what is truth? I'm going to be a bit enigmatic here: truth is in a Person and not in these "things" including best browsers etc. And now... those searching eyes have discovered me at my computer and are rapidly approaching. I'm in trouble.
RE: Why are people so emotional about browsers?Lounge
@celticcross Good morning, Celticcross.
Everything I say is simply my opinion and not necessarily factual. It "seems to me" that we can easily become mislead by others commenting online. If you were to take the sum total of all the commenters here and on Vivaldi's forum (etc), and then compare that number with the billions of people online who never bother with forums or asking questions about browsers, I'm certain you'd discover that the number is exceedingly small. As I've mentioned many times now, most people who go online simply don't care about the browser they're using. My wife has a MacBook and a Surface and she uses Edge on her Surface and Safari on her Mac and that's the sum total of it. If I ask her why she doesn't try Brave or Opera or whatever, her eyes would glaze over (I'm being facetious here) and she'd ask me why bother when Safari and Edge work perfectly fine. She simply doesn't care. The sum total of what Blackbird said could be summed up in this: try several and find which browser(s) works best for what you need and then go with it (them). I think a better title for this thread would be: Why are "some" people so emotional about browsers. There are fanboys... evangelists... promoters... of certain browsers but as to why, that's a mystery to me. Really... who actually cares that much? I'll use my wife (since she's sitting right across from me right now on her MacBook) as an example. What is she doing? Shopping! She cares about shopping... not browsers. Safari gets her to where she wants to go - shopping for whatever (oh my aching wallet... haha). I'm only here out of boredom and for nostalgia's sake, having been a part-time Opera user from 2000 onward until the exodus of Jon and many of his loyal developers. Do I care enough to download Opera now and run with it? After checking out Opera One, I see no reason to switch. Currently I have Edge and Brave on my Surface and Safari on my MacBook and that's really it. Hey, just go with what floats your boat. You seem, from your posts, like a great guy who is genuinely interested in technology. Watch some YT videos and do a little research to set your mind at ease as to whlch browser will best fit your needs. -
RE: Why are people so emotional about browsers?Lounge
@blackbird71 Well said, Blackbird. Very succinct and informative.
RE: Why are people so emotional about browsers?Lounge
@traveltales All of these chromium browsers are pretty much the same with a little difference in window dressing. You can load extensions from the Chrome store and build whatever it is that you say you "need" so I'm at a loss why the hesitation to use a particular browser. You can have multiple browsers so why not download the ones in which you're interested and run with each one individually for a week to get a feel for the browser you're most comfortable with and then go with it. The browser is simply a program to get you to where you want to go for business or pleasure. Most users do not want something as customizable as Vivaldi simply because they can't be bothered playing around with the browser. Vivaldi is essentially a "geeky" browser and that is why its numbers will always be one-digit. Opera should never have changed to Opera One and because of its association with China (unfair but nevertheless true) it will always remain far behind the others. Your viable choices are: Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Brave (with Safari on the Mac) on Windows. And that's the long and short of it.
RE: Bitwarden - Free Password ManagerOpera add-ons
@bestcodes But it isn't safer. No browser password manager is safer than the open source program, Bitwarden. There are several third party pw managers as good but none better. Security software guru, Steve Gibson recommends Bitwarden. Check it out.
RE: Why is Opera not widely used by people?Lounge
@lord-of-the-lost Great links (although I see that the one link was from a thread I posted in a while back... haha). The fact that it is publicly listed and traded and that it follows European regulation suggests that it is perfectly safe to use. But as Leo has said a number of times: it's really up to each of us as to what we choose to believe. So in the end, it is exactly what you stated several posts back - a matter of trust.
RE: Why is Opera not widely used by people?Lounge
@lord-of-the-lost No doubt there are many who don't trust the browser because of its Chinese connection. And even though it is subject to Norwegian privacy laws this still doesn't appear to convince them that their data will be safe from a prying Communist government. So in a manner of speaking, yes... you are right in saying that it becomes a matter of trust. We know that the browser is secure since it receives regular security updates. But as for privacy and the question of what information is collected and what is done with that information, I can't give an answer. Let's put it like this: personally, I felt safer using the browser when it was owned and developed in Norway. While I believe that our data is being harvested by Google and MS (which is another reason I refuse to use their browsers or search engines), the political realities still enter my mind and so I feel a bit safer with them although that may be a mistake on my part. I'm typing on a MacBook Air right now and I know that it was assembled in China. Is there spyware on this device? I doubt it but I suppose anything is possible. Just trying to be as honest and forthright as I can be and admittedly, I have not really used Opera on a daily basis since the acquisition a few years back.
RE: Why is Opera not widely used by people?Lounge
@lord-of-the-lost said in Why is Opera not widely used by people?:
After alternatively playing around with Edge for a short time, I begin to appreciate the simplicity of Firefox again. Edge was full of bloat and waste, I couldn't bear it that much. And TBH, I've always even liked Google better than Microsoft. I avoid them whenever I can.Edge has become a bloated mess. It's revealing to see MS being forced to push its Bing search engine and browser via their reward program. In other words, "we'll bribe you with points that you can cash in with Amazon, if you use Bing and Edge." Seriously? I'm not that hard up for cash to bolster your numbers, MS. If they had left legacy Edge alone and simply modified it to stay current, it might have been more attractive but they shoved all of their shopping connections and AI into the mix so that what is left is a bloated mess. At this point I'll stick with FF simply because it dares to be different. Hey, nice chatting with you. Have a good one.
RE: Why is Opera not widely used by people?Lounge
@kane12 Exactly. Simplicity and the fact that it just works with most extensions and most websites. There is a reason why Chrome has the lion's share of users and you've essentially outlined it. The fact that it is not exactly privacy focused is apparently unimportant (and/or unknown) to most users. I've said this many times now: people, in general, don't really care about the myriad of customizable options offered by Vivaldi nor for the gaudy GUI of Opera One. They don't care about the browser. They don't spend hours playing with the browser to add extensions and change skins and so forth. The browser is simply a tool to get them to where they want to go: social media, shopping, banking, news and so forth. And it is undoubtedly the reason that these browsers will attract a very dedicated following, albeit a small, one-digit user following and remain this way... permanently. People want simple - not complicated. People want uncluttered - not pretty. This is why Google Chrome remains far and away the most popular browser... it's simple, it works... period.