Threads and posts are presented badly
whisperer last edited by
The layout makes it hard to quickly read thread titles and reading threads themselves is a pain too. There are enormous gaps of white space, and displaying deleted threads you can't access takes away even more space. I find the way the replies work confusing, why are they displayed twice? Attention is not naturally drawn to information that matters most. You can't customize the layout. In my opinion these things make the forum not intuitive to work with and in fact a pain to work with. For that reason I would rather not post on this forum, simply because it's unpleasant to work with. -
Locutus last edited by leocg
@whisperer said in Threads and posts are presented badly:
The layout makes it hard to quickly read thread titles and reading threads themselves is a pain too. There are enormous gaps of white space, and displaying deleted threads you can't access takes away even more space. I find the way the replies work confusing, why are they displayed twice? Attention is not naturally drawn to information that matters most. You can't customize the layout. In my opinion these things make the forum not intuitive to work with and in fact a pain to work with. For that reason I would rather not post on this forum, simply because it's unpleasant to work with.The layout which is used on many many many many forums is Extremely easy to navigate. As for my opst about the browser I was heading you off at the pass before you could wrongly go after the browser like you wrongly went after the forum.
@whisperer said in Threads and posts are presented badly:
For that reason I would rather not post on this forum, simply because it's unpleasant to work with.
Then Don't post here or anywhere for that matter.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@whisperer said:
The layout makes it hard to quickly read thread titles and reading threads themselves is a pain too.
Why? For me it's very easy to read the topic titles.
here are enormous gaps of white space, and displaying deleted threads you can't access takes away even more space
I don't see those gaps here.
I find the way the replies work confusing, why are they displayed twice?
They aren't, but there are two ways to follow them. You can read them like a conversation, a thread or you can just read them as you read the main topic.
You can't customize the layout
What is a common thing in many forums.
For that reason I would rather not post on this forum, simply because it's unpleasant to work with.
I'm sure you can get used to it and learn to use the forum.
A Former User last edited by
I tested this with ChatGPT-4 and my girlfriend.
Did not give the desired result in relationship. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@whisperer What Aria has to do with the forum and what is being discussed here?
Locutus last edited by
@whisperer said in Threads and posts are presented badly:
Now that is just gibberish.
Canizales0 Banned last edited by
The display of deleted threads that you can no longer view takes up additional space, and there are huge voids of white space. Why are the replies presented twice, in my opinion, it unclear. The information that matters the most does not automatically attract attention.
Locutus last edited by leocg
@canizales0 said in Threads and posts are presented badly:
The display of deleted threads that you can no longer view takes up additional space, and there are huge voids of white space. Why are the replies presented twice, in my opinion, it unclear. The information that matters the most does not automatically attract attention.
Yes see the two Dead spots above this post for a good example.