Background tabs/windows getting into foreground
donq last edited by
@vegelund If you disable notifications in settings, does that help? Many versions ago there was similar issue, then it was caused by conflict of Opera and MS Teams.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
I'm not using time on troubleshooting, as I most often have one window active in Opera.
JasonGr last edited by
@donq I've set "quieter" notifications since I don't want to block notifications on all sites. I'll update if this seems to have solved the problem but it may be difficult since the issue itself isn't something I can simply replicate, I just have to wait and see if Opera does its thing.
weissjan last edited by
@donq I tried disabling all notifications through settings in Opera, does not help.
A nice troubleshooting option is an open Slack tab, after max. a few minutes in any other tab / Opera window I jump back to the Slack tab.
Is there any more documented / official bug tracking than this forum to follow the bug?
rekameohs last edited by
@jasongr It is very easy to duplicate. Go to a news site of your choice, eg (Window A). Right-click on a story and open in a new window (B). Immediately, click back to (Window A). Opera will immediately toggle back to Window B while it continues to load. It may help to be on a slower Internet connection, so everything doesn't load as quick.
iconx7 last edited by
They don't know how to duplicate it? Load a Youtube video into a new window and click pause.. now minimize it as if you intend to watch it later. It will keep popping up no matter how many times you minimize the window. Sometimes takes a few minutes, sometimes an hour or longer but every time I return to my desk that window is front and center. It's like playing whack a mole.
Northsider last edited by
This doesn't look like it's a bug necessarily but a horrible design decision. Either way, it needs to be fixed because it makes the browser unusable to people who like to open links in the background. For instance, if I read a Wikipedia article, I often open links in the background so I can read them next when I finish reading what I have open now. That does not work now because as long as a new page is loading, I am not allowed to read the original one.
It is a disaster that the user is not allowed to control what page they want to be on. Imagine a streaming service was interrupting you watching a movie by switching over to some TV show every few minutes.
Daftshadow last edited by
There have been Opera updates since and still this is not fixed!! Omg is so annoying. Think I'm going to switch to another browser temporary.
elljay23 last edited by
I agree this is a complete pain in the @$%!
CPU utilisation also seems to run high if I've got windows open with meta refresh tags. I can make CPU go back down if I close / hold "ESC" on the auto refreshing tabs to stop their refresh cycle.
taffercharles last edited by
@northsider Yeah I got a feeling it isn't so much a glitch but opera just wants this to slide under the radar. Probably some mid supervisor got congratulated and patted in the back for this %#&# idea of his.
elljay23 last edited by
Happy to say the latest release has fixed this issue!
The very tacky animated "O" is still there on startup, but this one's fixed...
deurotelle last edited by leocg
I tried for a week to fix this ; updated, went on a rabbithole search into obscure settings...Nope. i finally fixed it- I made Brave my default browser.
elljay23 last edited by
@vegelund Yup, "cancel culture" at its best! Maybe once Brave has a problem they'll work their way around all the other browsers until they all have problems and eventually come back to Opera!