Slow speed dial after recent update
kowcop last edited by
There is also a large gap between the speeddial icons and the search bar which looks terrible on a 1080p monitor. I have to scroll down to see the second row of speed dial icons
opera-user-from-2002 last edited by opera-user-from-2002
Guys, could you check
I think the main reason is the same.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@opera-user-from-2002 Maybe, but what would be the relationship?
opera-user-from-2002 last edited by
@leocg Let's wait for the TS answer if workaround has solved his issue.
pow1 last edited by
@opera-user-from-2002 I dont think so. This has not to do with performance, I only see a small jump in memory and cpu usage when i launch Opera; even though I have alot of pinned tabs etc; they load instantly.
Its also this slow on a 5 year old low-end laptop that i tested.I tried the workaround, but still the same
blondiesl last edited by leocg
I'm finding the same thing on all my computers and all my computers are fast!
I notice that when I first launch Opera, it takes several seconds for the Speed Dial page to populate.
It takes so long that it's quicker for me to just click a bookmark.But Here's The Other Thing ...
Opera is now using crazy amounts of memory!
When I do a fresh launch of Opera, without even going to any site at all, it's taking up almost 400 Meg of memory!And like right now, I have only YT on one tab and This Page on the other tab.
There's now 17 instances of opera in Processes!
Each sucking up memory for a total of approx.
805,048 Mega Bytes!
That's Almost 1 GIG for 2 tabs!!!!
Insane !17 processes of Opera for 2 tabs open is crazy.
I hope that the Devs look into memory management and efficiency, because this is now out of control.As for Extensions, I only have a few that are needed.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@blondiesl There are topics already for those who wants to complain about what they thing are high CPU, Memory, etc usage
As known, Chromium is multi-process, so each thing running in it will have its own process. You cam use Shift + Esc to see the processes running in Opera and how much CPU, Memory, etc they are using.
And memory exists to be used.
pow1 last edited by
@blondiesl The problem is still on all of the computers I have tried, no change here even after the update(s).
I have 16 tabs open, and it uses a total of 800mbs, so I think you have a different problem as well as the speed dial -
andrew84 last edited by
@pow1 regarding your first post about slow speed dial, do you use bookmarks bar for bookmarks?
If yes, could you check do favicons load before speed dial appearing.
I have similar slow speed dial issue but here favicon also don't load during ~10sec apprx. and then favicons and speed dial tiles appear simultaneously. -
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@pow1 ok, thx for checking. I have a lot of bookmarks on the bookmarks bar (in bookmarks bar folders) and favicons are also not loading, but bookmarks are clickable. Browser is also fully responsive during this time.
*Maybe you can try installing 89 portable version (usb installation option selected in installer). Here the portable version opens speed dial instantly (but there are only few default tiles, of course).
So maybe there's some profile issue in my case after update. But speed dial is fast again if I revert back to 78 version. -