Mute Icon in Tab
laptoptitan last edited by leocg
@ccaster There is no way except that you open multiple Chrome windows and split the number of tabs
Tondaa last edited by
Please get rid of this bugged abomination.
(seriously do not understand how such a obvious bug hadn't been tested or spotted before releasing)
freelanceartist last edited by
I'm surprised this is still a thing, why downgrade the tab volume icon like this?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@freelanceartist As already said, the old audio indicator icon was causing issues and many users were complaining about it.
freelanceartist last edited by
@leocg I understand, but why wouldn't there be an option to entirely disable it instead of it was causing people problems? this is just filling up the tabs, even with just a few tabs open it's in the way.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@freelanceartist Eventual problems with the new audio indicator will be fixed, most probably.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@arthur142 If you think for ten seconds, you will find the answer. It makes no sense to make a change to fix a problem and keep the problematic code, giving an option to choose between the two of them.