Fullscreen Video Broken on MacOS 10.15.7
dylebedev last edited by
@nintendork07 I have same problem. fullscreen normal working only if opera not maximazed.
gentleminty last edited by
This happens to me every once in a while, although I haven't seen any rise in frequency now. I usually solve it by pausing and playing the video, or mousing over the top bar and then back on the video.
Same MacOS and Opera versions. No installed extensions for videos.
A Former User last edited by
Latest update still hasn't fixed it. Just ridiculous. I have reported it almost every day for a month. Switching to Brave if it's not solved soon
gmiazga Opera last edited by
Hey, we are tracking this internally as https://bugs.opera.com/browse/DNA-89247
At first we had problem to reproduce this issue but later found out that it happens when sidebar is hidden. Will work on a fix. -
JayOpera last edited by
@JayOpera I found how to make the tabs and address bar disappear while watching videos in full screen mode.
- Open two tabs.
- Go to YouTube or Prime Video on one tab.
- Switch the video to full screen mode. The tabs and address bar will be visible now.
- Close the another tab. Now, the tabs and address bar will be disappear.
- If you want to open a new tab or to access the address bar, press 'Command+T'. To go to the full screen mode again, follow the same steps above.
charles-siff last edited by
Still having this problem. Clicking "View" and "Hide Toolbar in Full Screen Mode" solves it temporarily but the toolbar reappears whenever the video is exited. I know some people are saying it "has fixed itself" but for me it is definitely still an issue.
programad last edited by
Hi, I am using Opera 71.0.3770.228 on MacOS Catalina and the menu bar is preserved when switching to full screen mode.
This bug was first noticed on Mar, 6, 2018 (https://forums.opera.com/topic/25507/macos-menu-bar-vertical-space-preserved-in-fullscreen-mode)
And the topic was closed without an official response from Opera team.
Then, another topic was opened on September 26, 2018 (https://forums.opera.com/topic/28868/macos-menu-bar-vertical-space-preserved-in-fullscreen-mode?_=1602591750583) and it was closed too. The moderator @sgunhouse claimed "the topic was a duplicate". But If both topics are locked, how can we discuss the problem?
Today is October 13 2020 and the bug still exists! You can visit those topics for screenshots and videos.Can you please, guys take this serious?
We love Opera and we want the best for it but the Opera team is not helping by hiding a issue. Please, do not lock this topic and let people discuss it, or give us an official response on this.
Thank you for your time on reading this.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@programad The first topic was still open when I closed the second - the last post in the first topic is dated in November. I can't say why the first topic was closed, though.
A Former User last edited by leocg
@gmiazga The update has been released.
The fix for the fullscreen video only works when Opera is in fullscreen. I'm still getting the toolbar showing up when opera is not maximized (in the desktop). I hid the menu bar and dock, so it should look like fullscreen, but it is still in the desktop space.
here is what i see:
charles-siff last edited by
I’ve found a quite simple, yet still temporary solution to this, as I watch youtube in enormous amounts on the daily. When you’ve got the toolbar in youtube fullscreen, click Command+F on your keyboard (the search function). When you X out of that search function the toolbar disappears from the full screen video. When you minimize it returns, but, I’ve found this sequence much easier than clicking up to View and disabling the toolbar completely. -
A Former User last edited by
@charles-siff Thanks! this does help, but I really wish they fixed the issue. For now I'm just using Opera fullscreen.
I'm planning to switch to Brave soon, since I'm liking their features and greater level of polish
JayOpera last edited by
@charles-siff This works well. Thanks. Pressing 'Esc' key removes the search box and the toolbar also disappears.
alixhdsn last edited by
When I use Opera on my mac I always have it full screen (as with every other app) so I can easily move between them. Until recently this worked fine, but for the past couple days I've been unable to make videos (via Youtube, Netflix etc) full screen when the Opera window is full screen. When I try to, the tabs, URL bar, bookmarks etc are all still accessible at the top. If I minimise Opera and just have it open as a window on my desktop, full screen works. This was never a problem until recently, and I can't seem to find a fix. Anyone any ideas?