Opera 65.0.3467.62 Stable update
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@gmiazga: I have mixed results in Opera, Chrome(beta) and Edge (Canary)
- In Opera(last Stable) there's a quite significant difference hovered vs not hovered tab (I checked it in Win Task Manager, Performance tab).
. The utilization is ~15% more in average and speed is also ~1GHz more when tab is hovered.
- In Edge (Canary) I have the result very similar to Opera's one with hovered tab (2nd picture)
- But in Chrome I have the situation like in Opera with active indicator ( 1st screen)
I tested it in Youtube with the same video (1080p, not 60fps) on Win 8.1x64 laptop with i3 3110m cpu (integrated graphics) with only one tab opened. I didn't touch any flags and profile is ~clean in all these browsers because I use O58 as my main browser currently.
So, maybe a hardware config. plays not the last role here.
PS. I checked the same video in 58 version, and it looks like the 58 version (with active indicator) consumes a bit more resources than 65 version with hovered tab, but consumes a bit less resources than 65 version win active indicator. So there's nearly no difference if I hover the tab in 58 version or not.
- In Opera(last Stable) there's a quite significant difference hovered vs not hovered tab (I checked it in Win Task Manager, Performance tab).
A Former User last edited by
I just tested again with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTxfcINRwXU
Here's a screenshot, the %s are pretty much average (so not the highest/lowest values):
System is 2500k overclocked to 4.6 ghz, geforce 2060 rtx, 860 evo, 16gb ram. I'm on vacation with my family and this is my "backup" PC, I have an i9 9900k and R7 3700x at home, but won't be able to test them for at least 2 weeks or so.
A Former User last edited by
on youtube it load gpu to 100%, and picture "freezes"... so % of gpu go down, and video un_freezes… and again gpu to 100%, and again picture "freezes"… and again, and again ....
so downgeade to 64 … again ... -
minho last edited by
https://blissroms.com/ causes high cpu usage on Arch Linux running Gnome 3.34.1 Wayland session.
kovrigin last edited by
https://n.maps.yandex.ru The map editing service loads the processor up to 100% all the time. There for entry need a registration on yandex.ru
xander34 last edited by
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ linked from within speed dial sometimes freezes Opera and Windows 10. Can someone confirm this?
johnston5129 last edited by
once again opera has broken facebook live including opera gx when i click on fb live i get this--Please try broadcasting on the latest desktop version of Chrome to go live with your camera. it worked on opera a few updates ago but no longer why should i have to download crap chrome just to go live when it used to work in opera thank you
ironbone last edited by
Still problems with remote PDF on Linux.
After fresh install it works well.
After one day no more. Maybe something wrong with my synchronization data? -
gmiazga Opera last edited by
@andrew84: Thanks for great feedback on this. Problem is generally more complex and it affects also other UI elements with CPU spikes. Audio indicator being the most active one is actually the only one to be blamed though. We are currently trying to look into some solutions but with holiday season around this can slow down a bit, so I can't promise any resolution soon.