New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs
A Former User last edited by
@aphaltgrau: I agree, it's currently lightyears behind Disqus and other commenting systems. Most places have in fact switched to Disqus as it's become one of the biggest and best cross website commenting system.
A Former User last edited by
@amatczak: Then Moderate disqus properly not half-assed like the browser. And from your comments i see that you are quite close minded individual. "What would be the reason someone would want to jump back to the same comment from forums to blogs? " so you can follow the conversation! actually reply/upvote etc.
Real question would be who wouldn't want it? except you of course.
A Former User last edited by
Tell me when you will release an app on devices so i can easily reply to comments like what Disqus has, then I will be satisfied as well as bringing back the plethora of features that the Blog side of the comment section is missing(/ have lost from Disqus) compared to the forum side.
More restrictionism on Opera's side is all i see at this point. It's less personalizable than Chrome which is the blandest of all browsers!
A Former User last edited by
@johnd78: Essential what they said was:
- they didn't have enough resources or man-power to moderate it like everyone else who uses it include amateur websites.
- Want to restrict users to their forums.
- Didn't know how to integrate it properly into their system for communication
- There are some features that Opera wants that isn't available in Disqus and they don't know how to provide feedback to Disqus as a user of it.
- Didn't like that Disqus went down that one time.
- They know that Disqus is better they just don't like it.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Then abandon the blog section and implement the blogs into the forums instead. Streamline it.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by leocg
@artexjay Like I said, I guess the idea is exactly to make blogs and forums an unique place, so the discussions won't be split in several channels and it should make things more easy for users and Opera employees.
However such change may take some time. -
A Former User last edited by leocg
@amatczak said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
@aphaltgrau I definitely would not call it "dodging it".
It is an effort to add such feature and we must know if and how this could be useful for anyone, so that we can prioritize this accordingly, since every change takes time. (...)
it was not the question of whether the Opera resources fit - or not.
First of all it is only a question of pure logic. sure you've heard of it?!
And only in one direction it's unlogical and remains nonsense! And even if it's repeated by 3 other mods, that supposedly nobody would need it, it is and remains nonsense - (a bit)!
Whether this is really feasible is another issue. But to implement a function only halfway is, once again: nonsense. What is that supposed to mean?
And why are you wasting so much energy squirming and hiding?!In the present form, commenting is unnecessarily difficult, impractical, difficult to read, illogically pieced together, etc., pp.
One has the impression that something was knitted with a hot needle. Or with (a bit much) cluelessness - sorry, no offense.
But considering e.g. artexjay's note (5-10, 19:44), if you don't want to stay light years behind, you have to do something. And urgently! Without ifs and buts. And also without distracting and avoiding again and again. Your smoke candles are quite obviously recognizable ... -
andrew84 last edited by
@leocg: For example I preferred using the blog over forum because of the 'tree' view and notifications (red circle next to username) and, of course, because of Opera team's feedback. Forum will never have the 'tree' comments structure and notifications work there for all the post instead of only mine's related. Personally, I'd prefer using only one environment for comments instead of 'jumping'.
As I mentioned earlier I very support some Opera's own system for the feedback from users. But new system should become by improvement version of the current one. And the fact that Disqus was more popular than forum among users till know (including Opera team) tells me that Disqus was more informative and easier. Even the changelog is more detailed in the blog.
If you think that the forum is absolutely comfortable to use, I don't see what's the point of the blog currently. Blog can contain only some general info about Opera (news, events, achievements) and few links to popular topics on forum instead of the version by version announcement with detailed changelogs. And the whole versions history with changelogs and other stuff can be moved to the forum. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I'd like to have the voting buttons and count visible in the blog post like they are in the forums.
I'd like to have the "view forums thread" link at the top of the user comments section on the blog page too. Currently it's only on the bottom.
frenzie last edited by
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
notifications (red circle next to username)
Disqus logs you out constantly and always displays a deceptive red circle as soon as it does. It's probably the most noticeable intentional misfeature. By contrast, there's a magical place with an actually functional notification icon. One guess...
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
And the fact that Disqus was more popular than forum among users till know (including Opera team) tells me that Disqus was more informative and easier.
It tells you people follow the blog and feel the impulse to comment on the blog. Nothing more and nothing less. That might tell you something about Opera's browser and blog posts, but preciously little about Disqus.
Fyi, the widely disliked Disqus system fails to load again this morning:
Disqus is utterly unusable on mobile. Or it would be if it actually loaded. Most of the time it gets stuck using all your CPU like a malicious bitcoin miner until it craps out.
These days Disqus loads even less than back on its introduction in 2014. Make no mistake, some of us still posted a few comments occasionally in spite of Disqus. It used to be that Disqus was noticeably less dependable than anything else, where anything else basically loaded 99.99 % of the time and Disqus only some 90-95 %, usually fixed by a refresh. In 2019 it's literally down to loading on some days and not loading on others, refresh or not.
In short, the fact that Disqus is terrible is pretty much irrelevant. If Disqus worked I'd dislike it, as I detailed in a rare Disqus comment on the Opera blog back in 2014. On good old My Opera that'd have been quite easy to find; on Disqus it might be borderline impossible.
Either way, Disqus quite simply doesn't work at all anymore, so it needs to be replaced by something that does. Even if that something were somehow worse than Disqus, like the impressively, even caricaturishly awful Facebook comments. As luck would have it, this forum is a lot better than Disqus.
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
And the whole versions history with changelogs and other stuff can be moved to the forum.
Not in its current form. There's no relevant newsfeed available afaict, just new comments per category.
@burnout426 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
I'd like to have the "view forums thread" link at the top of the user comments section on the blog page too. Currently it's only on the bottom.
+1 Also it should read
View forum thread
instead. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@frenzie said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
@burnout426 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
I'd like to have the "view forums thread" link at the top of the user comments section on the blog page too. Currently it's only on the bottom.
+1 Also it should read "View forum thread" instead.
Definitely. Even if it can be considered correct, the current wording sounds funny.
andrew84 last edited by
@frenzie: If Disqus is terrible, why Opera employers were more active there?
Don't you think that it sounds strange at least that Opera team don't want using their own forum..
When I read the forum I have an feeling that Opra team doesn't read it at all, I see mostly moderators and other users comments (without replies from Opera team). And I don't understand what's changed now, the forum was improved/restructured to increase its popularity? No. To increase the forum popularity, they've killed the more popular system. If Opera would have been active on the forum instead of Disqus, there wouldn't be any complains currently. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@andrew84 The idea of a/the forum is to be a place where people (try to)help each other, so that there is less needing for the company replies and they can focus more on their products development.
Also, when you have more then one place for discussion, there will always be a tendency to choose one over the other. And as the blog, until so far, seemed to be the place where the feedback where more immediate and specific, I guess they ended choosing that one.
frenzie last edited by
@andrew84 No, I don't think it's strange to comment underneath the relevant blog post. Where else?
I don't know what changed from Opera's perspective. However, it should be self-evident that if it's part of your job to reply to user questions, you're not going to refrain from reading or commenting just because it's not your favorite system. Without more information on the matter the reverse hypothesis is no less valid
(i.e., that the change was made precisely because those very Opera employees internally clamored for it).
Given a few basic requirements which are likely met by most commenting systems, I'd peg cost and reliability as the most important factors. Possibly also something like privacy as a USP, given that Opera VPN is advertised that way. A system like Disqus doesn't support that principle.
@andrew84 said in New commenting mechanism on Opera blogs:
I knew about it then, but it's something different because all the replied comments in tree are also duplicated beneath in a regular way.
Note that Vivaldi's threaded blog comments are also based on NodeBB.