Certain Videos Do Not Play
zalex108 last edited by
... :sherlock:
Perhaps this helps at some point.
Or maybe in Google."You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
jimpiersall last edited by
I tried solutions on that "Invalid Parameters" board, and nothing fixed it. I appreciate the suggestions.
jimpiersall last edited by
This is opera://gpu
Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash Stage3D: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Compositing: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Multiple Raster Threads: Unavailable
Native GpuMemoryBuffers: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Rasterization: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Video Encode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
VPx Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
WebGL: Unavailable
WebGL2: Unavailable
Driver Bug Workarounds
Problems Detected
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU access is disabled in chrome://settings.
Disabled Features: all
VPx decoding isn't supported before Windows 10 anniversary update.: 616318
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
GPU rasterization should only be enabled on NVIDIA and Intel DX11+, and AMD RX-R2 GPUs for now.: 643850
Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization
Accelerated VPx decoding is hanging on some videos.: 654111
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox
Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost
Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137
Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent: 398694
Applied Workarounds: scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args
On Intel GPUs MSAA performance is not acceptable for GPU rasterization: 527565
Applied Workarounds: msaa_is_slow
Framebuffer discarding can hurt performance on non-tilers: 570897
Applied Workarounds: disable_discard_framebuffer
Direct composition flashes black initially on Win <10: 588588
Applied Workarounds: disable_direct_composition
Zero copy DXGI video hangs on shutdown on Win < 8.1: 621190
Applied Workarounds: disable_dxgi_zero_copy_video
Limited enabling of Chromium GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA: 535198
Applied Workarounds: disable_framebuffer_cmaa
Disable KHR_blend_equation_advanced until cc shaders are updated: 661715
Decode and Encode before generateMipmap for srgb format textures on Windows: 634519
Applied Workarounds: decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
Native GpuMemoryBuffers have been disabled, either via about:flags or command line.
Disabled Features: native_gpu_memory_buffers
Version Information
Data exported 5/25/2017, 11:04:12 PM
Browser version OPR/45.0.2552.812
Operating system Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1
Software rendering list version 12.20
Driver bug list version 9.36
ANGLE commit id unknown hash
2D graphics backend Skia/58
Command Line Args Files (x86)\Opera\45.0.2552.812\opera.exe" --ran-launcher --opener-id="CKuBiZkgxi9keqd5C:\Windows\explorer.exe" --system-dpi-setting=96 --alt-high-dpi-setting=96 --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end --use-turbo2
Driver Information
Initialization time 0
In-process GPU true
Passthrough Command Decoder false
Sandboxed false
GPU0 VENDOR = 0x8086, DEVICE= 0x0166
Optimus false
Optimus false
AMD switchable false
Desktop compositing Aero Glass
Diagonal Monitor Size of \.\DISPLAY2 21.5"
Driver vendor Intel Corporation
Driver version
Driver date 8-21-2012
Pixel shader version
Vertex shader version
Max. MSAA samples
Machine model name
Machine model version
Disabled Extensions GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
Window system binding vendor
Window system binding version
Window system binding extensions
Direct rendering Yes
Reset notification strategy 0x0000
GPU process crash count 0
Compositor Information
Tile Update Mode One-copy
Partial Raster Enabled
GpuMemoryBuffers Status
ATC Software only
ATCIA Software only
DXT1 Software only
DXT5 Software only
ETC1 Software only
R_8 Software only
RG_88 Software only
BGR_565 Software only
RGBA_4444 Software only
RGBX_8888 Software only
RGBA_8888 Software only
BGRX_8888 Software only
BGRA_8888 Software only
YVU_420 Software only
YUV_420_BIPLANAR Software only
UYVY_422 Software only
... loading ... -
jimpiersall last edited by
For opera://media-internals:
For the MSN Video:
render_id: 51
player_id: 0
pipeline_state: kStopped
url: http://prod-video-cms-amp-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBB37RS?blobrefkey=103&$blob=1
total_bytes: 20951724
streaming: false
single_origin: true
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
is_downloading_data: false
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
audio_channel_layout: STEREO
audio_codec_name: aac
audio_sample_format: Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second: 48000
bitrate: 2905623
coded_height: 576
coded_width: 1024
found_audio_stream: true
found_video_stream: true
height: 576
max_duration: 57.686
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 1024
audio_dds: false
platform_pipeline_status_list: 9
audio_decoder: WMFAudioDecoder
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 57.686For the Google Photos video:
render_id: 54
player_id: 0
pipeline_state: kStopped
url: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/fYkuoJPCKtwaPtSxmljrVYPkFoDOiYL8NiMZk738wGUUhtfDI-IBYsJ2C3NKxvkKSHetwVpHPlButGoxenXtwpcThdkvrk9wtS-SbLLbdOR-ARzI0ygNJ1ZrtlwA1C2nKlmg57vwNbfkPhAqJIVx2KPnTN-GFU9ijPncGMycl27FKOUIWBKhx_KNDoVbXkPBnDhQzVf-hhCEehd0qdFzDky4GBf1SQ7yquJU6aUrTrF4fz4IO2YVAe8yWZQr8C511H_yanBu6Z5JXj4czgNojnQGNcOiWDKcK23w2bO7NJx-MEd1lNCv0MpQYZFzRwNleHlkHq2QTCgjcFf-fn1k8UPBvegVbW7Ohapo5h9ir8uecRsHChbMrGLrIYb_YFYPTd5SueGGKsfcoj2COeViqG-jEGlph67vFtE4mYe8Zys7axCezsK33L4Xg84sZHMIGiTI-3zBuH5Bf0mWhb91uo96RBUvWWKP5Jl-sJbi1BeKXv1_L_nr-BioX8NEQ3XZile_vZCtCMgkVD1v-a1q4JTjz9jUjAopfudeqMK_9JYZYfVm5-fm9hkXkzd65gnA6ScV9lIY6iAeT2mjdAG5RoruUyruku0W7j1qK5VU4Yow5q4Zzw=m18
is_downloading_data: true
total_bytes: 3167265
streaming: false
single_origin: false
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 baseline coded size: [640,360] visible rect: [0,0,640,360] natural size: [640,360] has extra data? false encrypted? false
audio_channel_layout: STEREO
audio_codec_name: aac
audio_sample_format: Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second: 44100
bitrate: 737824
coded_height: 360
coded_width: 640
found_audio_stream: true
found_video_stream: true
height: 360
max_duration: 34.341666
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 640
audio_dds: false
platform_pipeline_status_list: 9
audio_decoder: WMFAudioDecoder
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 34.341666For the Twitter video:
render_id: 60
player_id: 1
pipeline_state: kStopped
url: https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/C6BGkfUUYAAulCb.mp4
total_bytes: 216755
streaming: false
single_origin: true
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
is_downloading_data: true
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 baseline coded size: [600,336] visible rect: [0,0,600,336] natural size: [600,336] has extra data? false encrypted? false
bitrate: 340007
coded_height: 336
coded_width: 600
found_audio_stream: false
found_video_stream: true
height: 336
max_duration: 5.1
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 600
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 5.1 -
jimpiersall last edited by
Sorry, I don't know what any of this stuff means, so if someone feels like looking at it, there it is.
jimpiersall last edited by
I enabled it and restarted the browser as directed. It did not fix the problem. I sincerely appreciate your suggestion though.
jimpiersall last edited by
I found a difference between my chrome://gpu and opera://gpu
Chrome: Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
Opera: Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
I also noticed a lot of differences in the media internals between Chrome and Opera:
The opera log had this line: 00:00:03 165 error video decoder initialization failed
Here they are for comparison:
Player Properties
Property Value
audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
audio_channels_count 2
audio_codec_name aac
audio_dds false
audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
audio_sample_format Float 32-bit planar
audio_samples_per_second 48000
bitrate 2905623
duration 57.719
event PAUSE
found_audio_stream true
found_video_stream true
height 576
info FFmpegDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 6 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
is_downloading_data false
max_duration 57.719
passed_cors_access_check false
pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
pipeline_state kSuspended
player_id 0
range_header_supported true
render_id 12
single_origin true
start_time 0.033
streaming false
time_base 1/30000
total_bytes 20951724
url http://prod-video-cms-amp-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBB37RS?blobrefkey=103&$blob=1
video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
video_codec_name h264
video_dds false
video_decoder FFmpegVideoDecoder
video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12
video_is_encrypted false
width 1024
property filterTimestamp Property Value
00:00:00 00 pipeline_state kCreated
00:00:00 00 url http://prod-video-cms-amp-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBB37RS?blobrefkey=103&$blob=1
00:00:00 281 total_bytes 20951724
00:00:00 281 streaming false
00:00:00 281 single_origin true
00:00:00 281 passed_cors_access_check false
00:00:00 281 range_header_supported true
00:00:00 286 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:00 295 info FFmpegDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 2 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:00 295 info FFmpegDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 6 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:00 295 audio_channels_count 2
00:00:00 295 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:00 295 audio_sample_format Float 32-bit planar
00:00:00 295 audio_samples_per_second 48000
00:00:00 295 bitrate 2905623
00:00:00 295 found_audio_stream true
00:00:00 295 found_video_stream true
00:00:00 295 height 576
00:00:00 295 max_duration 57.719
00:00:00 295 start_time 0.033
00:00:00 295 time_base 1/30000
00:00:00 295 video_codec_name h264
00:00:00 295 video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12
00:00:00 295 video_is_encrypted false
00:00:00 295 width 1024
00:00:00 298 audio_dds false
00:00:00 298 audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
00:00:00 300 video_dds false
00:00:00 300 video_decoder FFmpegVideoDecoder
00:00:00 300 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:00 332 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 333 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 333 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 334 event PLAY
00:00:00 295 duration 57.719
00:00:08 139 event PAUSE
00:00:08 141 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:08 141 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 144 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 144 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:08 246 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 248 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 248 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 251 event PLAY
00:00:08 626 event PAUSE
00:00:08 626 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:08 626 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 626 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 626 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:08 645 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 649 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 649 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 722 event PLAY
00:00:09 173 event PAUSE
00:00:09 174 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:09 174 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:09 175 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:09 175 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:09 258 event PLAY
00:00:09 529 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:09 533 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:09 533 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:21 450 event PAUSE
00:00:37 116 pipeline_state kSuspending
00:00:37 120 pipeline_state kSuspendedOPERA:
Player Properties
Property Value
audio_channel_layout STEREO
audio_codec_name aac
audio_dds false
audio_decoder WMFAudioDecoder
audio_sample_format Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second 48000
bitrate 2905623
coded_height 576
coded_width 1024
duration 57.686
error video decoder initialization failed
found_audio_stream true
found_video_stream true
height 576
info MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
is_downloading_data false
max_duration 57.686
passed_cors_access_check false
pipeline_error decoder: not supported
pipeline_state kStopped
platform_pipeline_status_list 9
player_id 0
range_header_supported true
render_id 52
single_origin true
start_time 0
streaming false
total_bytes 20951724
url http://prod-video-cms-amp-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBB37RS?blobrefkey=103&$blob=1
video_codec_name h264
video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted false
width 1024
property filterTimestamp Property Value
00:00:00 00 pipeline_state kCreated
00:00:00 270 url http://prod-video-cms-amp-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BBB37RS?blobrefkey=103&$blob=1
00:00:00 874 total_bytes 20951724
00:00:00 874 streaming false
00:00:00 874 single_origin true
00:00:00 874 passed_cors_access_check false
00:00:00 874 range_header_supported true
00:00:01 00 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:03 162 info MFDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 4 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:03 162 info MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
00:00:03 163 audio_channel_layout STEREO
00:00:03 163 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:03 163 audio_sample_format Float 32-bit
00:00:03 163 audio_samples_per_second 48000
00:00:03 163 bitrate 2905623
00:00:03 163 coded_height 576
00:00:03 163 coded_width 1024
00:00:03 163 found_audio_stream true
00:00:03 163 found_video_stream true
00:00:03 163 height 576
00:00:03 163 max_duration 57.686
00:00:03 163 start_time 0
00:00:03 163 video_codec_name h264
00:00:03 163 video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
00:00:03 163 video_is_encrypted false
00:00:03 163 width 1024
00:00:03 165 audio_dds false
00:00:03 165 platform_pipeline_status_list 9
00:00:03 165 audio_decoder WMFAudioDecoder
00:00:03 165 error video decoder initialization failed
00:00:03 195 pipeline_error decoder: not supported
00:00:03 196 pipeline_state kStopping
00:00:03 196 pipeline_state kStopped
00:00:03 163 duration 57.686 -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I found a difference between my chrome://gpu and opera://gpu
Chrome: Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
Opera: Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabledIt shouldn't make any difference on video playing.
I enabled it and restarted the browser as directed. It did not fix the problem
And does opera://gpu shows that video decode uses hardware acceleration? Also, any error message under "Log Messages'?
jimpiersall last edited by
Here are the lines on video.
Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Video Encode: Hardware accelerated
VPx Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailablePROBLEMS DETECTED:
VPx decoding isn't supported before Windows 10 anniversary update.: 616318
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Accelerated VPx decoding is hanging on some videos.: 654111
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Zero copy DXGI video hangs on shutdown on Win < 8.1: 621190
Applied Workarounds: disable_dxgi_zero_copy_videoDRIVER BUG WORKAROUNDS
disable_dxgi_zero_copy_videoLOG MESSAGES:
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay. -
zalex108 last edited by
Did you test the Override software rendering list from Flags?
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
jimpiersall last edited by
Did you test the Override software rendering list from Flags?
I was not sure how to do that, but I googled it and think I found what to do. I went to opera://flags and enabled "Override software rendering list." I relaunched, but the videos still did not work. Thank you for the idea.
zalex108 last edited by
Did you test the Override software rendering list from Flags?
I was not sure how to do that, but I googled it and think I found what to do. I went to opera://flags and enabled "Override software rendering list."
I relaunched, but the videos still did not work. Thank you for the idea.
Then I don't know what could be the next step...Didn't read if you deleted the cache, may help, but check it in a clean profile or try this.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
jimpiersall last edited by
I tried a clean profile before but did not delete the cache. I tried both just now and still did not work. I appreciate everyone's help. Obviously, I have no idea why everything works fine on my other browsers but not on Opera.
jimpiersall last edited by
It was on default (enabled) and then I clicked enabled to make sure, but I still have the problem.
jimpiersall last edited by
Here are what the error messages look like if that helps anyone:
Twitter Videos:
http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p413/Piersall/Video Errors/twitter_zpsrbvyudzd.jpg
MSN Videos:
http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p413/Piersall/Video Errors/msn_zpsybltqqmh.jpg
Google Photos:
http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p413/Piersall/Video Errors/msn_zpsybltqqmh.jpg